The New DRS (DRS 2) Introduction
What is DRS? Digital repository for preservation and access –Maintains integrity of deposited content –Preserves content for future reuse regardless of changes in technology –Provides access through associated delivery services More about DRS:
Why DRS 2? Support more formats & genres Improve collection management Improve access to content & metadata Support preservation planning & activities Implement digital preservation best practices and standards Improve metadata preservation Modern software to enable efficient processing and faster depositing More about DRS 2:
New functionality highlights Easier-to-use management interface Advanced searching on more than 200 metadata fields in DRS 2 Web Admin Support for rights management activities and deposit of rights documentation Ability to import descriptive metadata from the central catalog Drag-and-drop structure editor for page-turned objects Custom image captions Wordshack - a new central vocabulary registry
New functionality highlights Improvements for audio collections: –Support for MP3 and MP4 audio –Support for streaming audio as well as delivery-to-download –A new web-based audio player with an improved user interface Support for text –UTF-8 text, XML, CSV Support for Opaque objects (up to 50 GB per object) –More about DRS opaque storage: For the full list of new functionality see:
Depositing and managing content in DRS 2 Batch Builder 2 – depositing content –Creates initial description of content –Performs initial file format validity checks –Packages files into ‘objects’ and ‘batches’ for deposit DRS 2 Web Admin – managing content –Search for and view deposited content –Make changes and additions to deposited content e.g. changes to metadata or access restrictions e.g. adding and replacing files in existing objects WordShack – for vocabulary management –Create definitive terms for organizations and administrative categories Terms can be used in Batch Builder and Web Admin
Accessing deposited content Delivery Services (subject to restrictions) –Image Delivery Service (IDS) – Images –Page Delivery Service (PDS) – Page turned objects –Streaming Delivery Services (SDS) – Audio files –File Delivery Service (FDS) – Documents (PDF), audio files, text files Web Admin (staff only) –Download original content as deposited –Only way to get some content that is not available in any delivery service
DRS Concepts Objects Files Metadata Content models Relationships Rights Controlled vocabulary
Objects and files Objects = groups of files that together make up a coherent unit of content Archival master TIFF image Delivery JPEG image Thumbnail JPEG image FILE OBJECT: still image olvwork85592
Metadata Object descriptor is a METS file with descriptive, administrative, and technical metadata about the object and its flies All of the metadata for the object and its files Archival master TIFF image Delivery JPEG image Thumbnail JPEG image FILE OBJECT: still image olvwork85592 object descriptor FILE
Object Descriptors Every object will have one Metadata about the object and its files –Descriptive, administrative, technical, preservation, structural, rights –Significant events (ingest, deletion, etc.) A METS metadata file stored in the DRS –Gives the metadata the same preservation services as the DRS content files –Self-contained and portable –Persists in the DRS even after the content it describes is deleted
Types of Objects = Content Models Every DRS object conforms to a DRS content model Defines: –valid file formats –object structure and relationships –technical metadata schemas –known delivery and rendering applications –associated preservation plans Enforces conformity – we know what we have in the DRS and can better monitor and preserve it
Content Models 1.Audio 2.Color Profile 3.Document 4.Opaque 5.Opaque Container 6.PDS Document 7.Still Image 8.Target Image 9.Text Upcoming: 10.List (multi-part page- turned objects) 11.Collection 12. Message 13.Web Harvest 14.Google Document 15.Video
Content model: audio Example: recorded interviews AIFF archival master and MP4 deliverable Audio Decision list in XML Image source:
Content model: color profile Example: color profile ICC color profile Image source:
Content model: Document Example: a report PDF deliverable file Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) WG1 Fourth Assessment Report, Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives Harvard College Library
Content model: opaque Example: The contents of a faculty member’s hard drive Files in various formats –Wordperfect files –Research datasets –Powerpoint presentations –Databases –LaTeX documents Plus documentation about the collection Image source:
Content model: opaque container Definition: Any opaque object that has been compressed into a single zip file All the rules for content in an opaque object apply: –One directory for content –One (optional) directory for documentation Once unzipped, content should be able to be deposited as an opaque object
Content model: PDS Document Example: a book Zoeller, Karl William. Merchandising the plumbing business. Chicago : Domestic Engineering Co., c1921. Baker Library. JP2 archival master & deliverable JPEG image files per page Plain text files per page …
Content model: still image Example: scanned photo TIFF archival master and JPEG deliverable
Content model: target image Example: scanned target TIFF
Content model: text Examples: Tabular data, collection inventory list CSV or tab delimited file
Concepts in action 1. Harvard units digitize, create or acquire files FILE
Concepts in action 2. Depositors use Batch Builder to build objects from the files, generate the object descriptors, and to group objects into batches for DRS deposit FILE object descriptor object descriptor object descriptor OBJECT 1OBJECT 2OBJECT 3 BATCH
Concepts in action 3. Depositors transfer batches of objects to their DRS drop boxes. The batches are loaded into the DRS. BATCH 1 falftp/ incoming/ BATCH 2BATCH 3 lawftp/ incoming/ BATCH 4BATCH 5 sftp transfer
Concepts in action 4. Files and some objects can be accessed by the delivery services Files:Objects:
Batch Builder 2 deposit tool that creates DRS 2 object batch deposits takes still images, page-turned, audio, text, PDF, opaque objects, image targets and color profiles adds administrative, descriptive, technical metadata creates object descriptors
Administrative Metadata
Completed batch...
... is ready to deposit
DRS Loader Report
DRS 2 Web Admin Search View Download Add / Replace Update Delete Recover
35 Changes to Web Admin access New search options New administrative metadata New relationship metadata New rights metadata WordShack term management New in Web Admin
DRS 2 Web Admin - Managing content Search for and view deposited content Download content –Objects, files, descriptors Make changes and additions to deposited content –e.g. changes to metadata or access restrictions –e.g. adding and replacing files in existing objects Delete and recover objects and files –Delete one object at a time or up to 500 files at a time Delete batches –Immediately for batches less that 5 days old –Simple request for older batches
What kinds of things can you search for? Files, objects, batches and events can be searched and managed in the DRS Web Admin
Who can do what? – Roles Staff will have access to view and edit content based on roles –Specific activities like editing metadata –Specific owner codes like FHCL.FAL
Web Admin - Searching Quick search by identifier. Advanced search in over 200 metadata fields. Searching full text of documents. –Text, HTML, and PDF with embedded text Ability to save and restore search results.
Save & Restore Search Results Download search results for review, reporting Upload saved results (no search required) Instructions: userguide/search-downloadresults.html userguide/search-downloadresults.html 40
Descriptive Metadata View current descriptive metadata Add or replace descriptive metadata –Import with Aleph ID or upload MODS file Create links to –HOLLIS records –OASIS finding aids –Other related external sites 41
Administrative Metadata 42 Many editable fields in Web Admin –Admin categories: curator-assigned label used to group files and objects –IDS Captions: turn on or off at object level; can customize fields –Non-public notes
Rights Rights information for objects and files can be stored in the DRS Mapped to PREMIS XML standard behind the scenes PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies – 2003 international working group of experts – The primary standard for preservation metadata 43
Storing rights information requires a “Rights Basis” –License, copyright, statute, policy, etc. Rights Documentation –Explains the “Rights Basis” –Deposited in a separate object Content Restrictions –Embargoes, secure storage, audio downloading, image delivery size 44 Rights
Relationships There are three types of explicit relationships in DRS 2 File – to –file: for example –HAS_SOURCE – one file derived from another as a result of transformation (equivalent to DRS 1 “IS_DERIVATIVE_OF ”)
File – to object – for example: –HAS_WORLD_REFERENCE_DATA – points from an image file to a text object with geospatial coordinates for the image file. –HAS_DOCUMENTATION - has another object in DRS that serves as documentation object (typically a PDF Document or Text object containing supporting documentation ). Relationships
Object – to – object – for example: –HAS_DOCUMENTATION - has another object in DRS that serves as documentation object (typically a PDF Document or Text object containing supporting documentation). –HAS_METHODOLOGY - has another object in DRS that serves as a methodology object (typically a PDF or Text file containing methodology). Relationships
Controlled vocabulary Wordshack –new central vocabulary maintenance system for use in context of digital repositories and digital preservation services –offers controlled term management for admin categories, admin flags, addresses, organizations, persons, software, and topics 48
Thanks Please get advice before starting projects Contact info: More information about the new DRS: