HARRIS – Alternative Power Project Ideas Bryan Mayberry Brian Wright Alvin Yang Davy Mugabo
1. Piezo Electric Shoes Pros Small Fits in boots perfectly Constantly Generates While Moving Cons Very Inefficient Small Amounts of Energy Requires Motion
2. Kinetic Energy Pros Effective for Soldiers Requires no set up Convenient Can be placed in multiple areas. Cons Small Energy Generated Required Constant Motion Not Impact Resistant
First Design Idea
3. Thermoelectric Fabric Constructed of carbon nanotubes locked up in flexible plastic fibers to capture energy The energy, an electrical charge is created from changes in temperature My idea is to create soldiers uniforms out of thermoelectric fabric to capture energy for electronic devices With the changing temperatures and large amounts of physical activity daily, high voltages of electricity can be harnessed to charge an electronic device.
4. Flexible Solar Panels Pros Versatile Reliable Impact Resistant Bullet Resistant** Decent Energy Generation Cheap Cons Need Large Surface Area Only in Light
Final Design Idea