INTRODUCTION Software Engineering Course Lecturer Hoang Huu Hanh OST - Hue University
Agenda Personal Information Syllabus Recommended materials Group assignment Assignment Submission Q & A 2OOAD Course Introduction
My Info: Person hasName: Hoang Huu Hanh hasTitle: Dr. hasBirthday: 13/04/1974 graduatedFrom: beMarried: YES (implicated hasWife:-> 01) ◦ numOfChildren: 2 hasEmployer: workAt: 3OOAD Course Introduction
Syllabus Introduction to Software Engineering Software Analysis, Design and Implementation Using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) Software models Formal Specification using ASML (Abstract State Machines Language) Software verification, validation and testing Management of Software Projects & Cost Estimation
Introduction to SE What is SE? Requirements engineering Main stages, objectives, order Models (Waterfall, Spiral, Incremental development, etc )
Formal Specification & Design ASML Petri-nets model, state machine model Design principals Problems in the Design Software architecture (2-tier, 3-tier)
OO A&D UML diagrams (notations, general understanding) Classes, Objects, Relationships
Verification, Validation & Testing Objectives White/Black Box Testing Cleanroom approach Practical questions
Risks, management, costing Approaches, Metrics, Types of risks
Recommended Course Textbooks Sommerville I. (2001,2004) Software Engineering 6 th,7 th or 8 th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, Essex,UK Stevens P. with Pooley, R. (2000) Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, Essex, UK
Recommended OOAD Software (IBM) Rational Rose (Sparx) Enterprise Architect (Visual Paradigm) VP for UML 11OOAD Course Introduction
Assignment Submission to: subject: SE assignment submission content: ◦ 01 zip file: the report of each group (PDF or Word file format) codes (if any) ◦ the group number and names of its members 12OOAD Course Introduction
Q & A Now … Offline: … class sessions/appointments Online: ◦ Y!M: ◦ MSN: ◦ 13OOAD Course Introduction
Where to find course’s docs and 14OOAD Course Introduction
here we go Let’s start the show… 15OOAD Course Introduction