CAREER Fleming College Marie Walden-Oulahen
Career Services Located in Room 287 Assist current students and graduates achieve their employment goals
Career Services Fleming Career Services offers an on-line Job Posting Service free of charge to Employers and Fleming Students & Grads Current students and graduates can access Job Postings 24/7 Hundreds of jobs are posted throughout the year – Full-time, part-time, internships, contract and summer positions
Career Services Job Postings Online – Found on the campus portal under “Student Resources” then click on “Career Services” Click on the second link for Environmental jobs Over 650 employers contacted our Career Services office last year and posted their employment opportunities.
Career Services Other Resources/Services Offered Resumé and Cover Letter Critiquing Online resources and useful links Help defining job search steps and what is required at each step Books & Magazines Organize Career Events and On-Campus recruiting
Career Services Other Resources/Services Offered: Career Advising Current Market/industry trends Mock Interviews Workshops and Presentations
Career Services Other Resources/Services: FREE job search tools located in Room 285/287: Fax; Photocopier; Computer; Printer; Internet Access;
Career Services Other Resources/Services Annual Job Fair: Held each February Frost Campus, Lindsay – Feb. 16, 2012 40+ companies / organizations that are currently seeking potential employees attend;
Fleming College Job Fair 2012 – FROST Employers Attending A&M ReforestationAlgonquin Outfitters Alston Associates Inc.Austin Powder Ltd. Bark Lake Leadership CentreBoart Longyear Canada Camp KodiakCanadian Forces Recruiting Coffey Geotechnics Inc.Conestoga – Rovers & Associates Crone Geophysics & Exploration Ltd.Deep Foundations Contractors Inc. DessauDGI GEOSCIENCE INC. Drillco Foundation Co. Ltd.Esri Canada Fisheries and Oceans CanadaGeo-Environmental Drilling Inc. GO Drilling Inc.Golder Associates IDEAHUB Port Hope Business IncubatorINSPEC-SOL Engineering Solutions JVX Advanced GeophysicsKawartha Conservation LVM – DessauMobile Augers and Research Ltd. Natural Resource Solutions Inc.Ontario Parks SGS Canada Inc.SNC-Lavalin Environment Strata Drilling GroupToromont CAT Trent UniversityTulloch Engineering VCCS Employment Services
Career Services EMPLOYER RECRUITMENT ON CAMPUS Companies and organizations from across Canada and the U.S. attend on-campus recruitment sessions Interviews arranged on campus – in person/by phone
Job Fair Tips – Before the Job Fair Do your research. Before the fair, research what employers will be attending and which one’s are of interest to you. Some employers may have positions in your field even if the company has a different background. Review the employer’s web sites for general information and for current employment opportunities to better prepare your resume. Also, find out how you will be getting to the fair and make sure you know your route or what bus to take to get there on time. Dress for success. Remember you are trying to leave a lasting positive impression with recruiters. Your clothes should probably be a little nicer than usual. Clothes should be clean and pressed. We suggest dressing as you would for a job interview. Be ready with an up-to-date version of your resume. Bring several professional copies with you. If you have more than one employment goal, bring resumes tailored to each goal. There are usually over 30 employers who attend these events. Other things you should also prepare. Have a business card ready to initiate follow-up contacts. Try not to be weighted down by heavy bags and knapsacks; you want your visit to the fair to be as comfortable and productive as possible. Bring a pad of paper, a pen and a folder or envelope with you. Remember, a job fair is an environment which allows you to exchange information with employers. This demonstrates to the employer that you are able to plan ahead. You are prepared! This will also help you if you need to follow-up with employers concerning your job search and networking efforts.
During the Job Fair Allow yourself enough time to visit with employers at a comfortable pace. Running in quickly and running out quickly may not produce the job search results you are looking for. You may want to spend at least minutes with an employer. Don’t arrive last minute before closing time. When approaching recruiters smile, and a firm hand shake is always appreciated, introduce yourself: Hello, my name is ________________ ; I am a graduate from the ____________ program and majored in _____________. My experience is in the field of/I am specialized in and have ___ years of work experience. Ask questions such as: What’s it like to work for your organization? What attributes do you look for in a potential candidate? What is the application procedure for your organization? May I contact you directly if more questions arise? Etc… Talk to the employers attending the fair. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their organization and about their industry in general. Gather as much information as possible about companies attending the fair. You never know where a potential opportunity may come up. Keep an open mind! Consider all employers as a potential contact no matter what industry. E.g. a big hotel chain was looking to hire candidates with an engineering background.
After the Job Fair Review your notes from the fair and complete additional research on companies of interest. Follow-up on any and all contacts you made during the Job Fair. It is also suggested that you your resume to employers you met at the fair and to contacts you made. Send a Thank you letter to employers who might have taken extra time to talk to you and this will display your gratefulness and interest in their company. Good luck at the Job Fair!
Websites Canada’s Green Careers Site Cdn Outdoor Adv and Camping Jobs Job Posting System Parks of Ontario Information of Camps in Ontario
Visit our Career Centre Room 287 Any Questions!