D. Crowley, 2008
To know how igneous rocks are formed, and how this affects their appearance
Look at the examples of some igneous rocks What similarities do they have? What differences do they have? Do they have crystals / layers / fossils / grains etc… Gabbro Granite Basalt Pumice
Granite Pumice Basalt Obsidian Rhyolite Andesite
Igneous rocks are one of the three main groups of rock classification (along with sedimentary and metamorphic) They are formed within the Earth (where temp. is hot enough to melt rock) Molten (liquid) rock forms when rocks melt, called magma When the magma cools and solidifies igneous rocks are formed
We live on the Earth’s crust, and underneath this is a layer called the mantle The mantle and the crust can melt as the Earth is extremely hot - the molten rock is called magma When magma cools it can form igneous rocks Magma which reaches the Earth’s surface is called lava
Igneous rocks contain interlocking crystals which are held together very strongly and make the rock hard The crystals in igneous rocks have a disorderly arrangement Igneous rocks never contain fossils (as the rock has been melted, destroying the fossils) The size of the crystals depends on how quickly the igneous rock solidifies…
Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and solidifies When magma cools above the surface, extrusive igneous rocks are formed When magma cools below the surface, intrusive igneous rocks are formed Their crystals vary in size depending upon how quickly the magma cools…
Igneous rock crystals vary in size, depending on how quickly the molten rock cools Carry out the salol experiment – place the salol on a hot slide / cold slide and observe the difference in crystal size… Cooled rapidly – small crystalsCooled slowly– large crystals
How can we explain how the crystal size varies due to how quickly the rock cools? When the rock is a liquid the particles are free to move about - as the molten rock cools, bonds form between the particles, sticking the particles together affecting crystal size… BasaltGranite Rapidly cooled (small crystals) Slowly cooled (large crystals)
If the rock cools slowly there is time for lots of particles to move and stick together (bond) = large crystals If the rock cools quickly only a few particles can move and stick (bond) together = small particles LARGE crystals small crystals
Complete the changing Earth worksheet
Lava quickly igneous small Volcano Magma slowlyigneous largeMantle