Giant Panda report By Mariah
99% of a Giant panda’s food is bamboo but they also sometimes eat if available; fish, shrub leaves, insects and small rodents. They spend 12 to 16 ours a day eating, 20 to 40 pounds of it in order to get a good amount of nutrition.
Food flute!
This is Endangered Species
Mother and Baby The females have about 2 cubs every year, but only take of one scientists don’t know why. When they are born they weigh about 3.2 to 4.6 ounces and are about the size of a chipmunk. When they are 1 the Giant panda weighs about 75 pounds. About when they are two the leave their mother to go out on their own.
Breeding Females usually mature between 5 to years old. Mating season is between the middle of March to the middle of May. Females are in heat for 2 days to 3 weeks and in that time they mate with several males.
Giant Panda males are about 5 to 6 feet from head nose and weigh about 125 to 275 pounds. Sometimes they weigh up to 350 pounds. Like Polar bears their fur is made oily to repel water and protect them from their cool damp climate.