Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) DURG Devashish Sarkar (Group Leader) PROJECT REPORT ON DWDM UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF :- Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) DURG Devashish Sarkar (Group Leader) Robin Minj Nisha Pathak Rozy Fatima Priyanka Banchhor
PROJECT TEAM :- Project Leader: Project Members: Devashish Sarkar Phone: 7828701716 Email : Project Members: Robin Minj Phone:9713602069 Email : Nisha Pathak Phone: 9179082665 Rozy Fatima Phone:8518862642 Priyanka Babchhor Phone:7879639243
DECLARATION 1. Devashish Sarkar We hereby declare that the project entitled “ DWDM” being submitted in partial fulfillment for the cirtificate for vocational training to “ BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, DURG” is the authentic record of our own work done under the guidance of Mr Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) Durg our project guide. Project Members: 1. Devashish Sarkar 2. Robin Minj 3. Nisha Pathak 4. Rozy Fatima 5. Priyanka Banchhor.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First & foremost, we thank Almighty God for giving me this unique opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have extended helping hands to make this study success. We have a great pleasure in expressing my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) Durg without whose help we would never have achieved completion in our work. We would heartily like to thank DGM(CFA) and all our teachers for guiding us forth in this project. With due regards we feel immense pleasure in expressing our deepest gratitude to our amiable parents & friends whose filial affection, encouragement & blessing have been a beacon light to us in all undertakings. Date:- Submitted By:- Place:- Durg 1. Devashish Sarkar 2. Robin Minj 3. Nisha Pathak 4. Rozy Fatima 5. Priyanka Banchhor
CERTIFICATE Project Guide- This is to certify that a student of Branch in College has successfully completed a project on the topic-“DWDM” on July 2014 & submitted the report on the same, under the guidance of our project guides Mr. Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) Durg Project Guide- Mr. Mohd. Aslam SDE (CM & TX) Durg
INDEX Topic Page No Diagram 03 Introduction of DWDM 01 Functions of DWDM 05 Components of DWDM 06 Fibre Exaust 08 Applications 09 Advantages 11 Limitations 12 References 13
INTRODUCTION Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is an optical multiplexing technology used to increase bandwidth over existing fiber networks. DWDM works by combining and transmitting multiple signals simultaneously at different wavelengths on the same fiber. The technology creates multiple virtual fibers, thus multiplying the capacity of the physical medium. DWDM is fast and flexible provisioning of protocol- and bit rate-transparent, data-centric, protected services, along with the ability to offer new and higher-speed services at less cost. DWDM fiber, networks can carry multiple Terabits of data per second over thousands of kilometers. at cost points unimaginable less. DWDM systems support up to 192 wavelengths on a single pair of fiber, with each wavelength transporting up to 100Gbit/s capacity – 400Gbit/s and one Terabit/s on the horizon.
DWDM Function The system performs the following main functions: Generating the signal — The source, a solid-state laser, must provide stable light within a specific, narrow bandwidth that carries the digital data, modulated as an analog signal. Combining the signals — Modern DWDM systems employ multiplexers to combine the signals. There is some inherent loss associated with multiplexing and demultiplexing. This loss is dependent upon the number of channels but can be mitigated with optical amplifiers, which boost all the wavelengths at once without electrical conversion. Transmitting the signals — The effects of crosstalk and optical signal degradation or loss must be reckoned with in fiber optic transmission. These effects can be minimized by controlling variables such as channel spacings, wavelength tolerance, and laser power levels. Over a transmission link, the signal may need to be optically amplified.
Transmit Receive Repeater Add Drop Distribution: Cross connects DWDM Components Transmit Receive Repeater Add Drop Distribution: Cross connects
Separating the received signals — At the receiving end, the multiplexed signals must be separated out. Although this task would appear to be simply the opposite of combining the signals, it is actually more technically difficult. Receiving the signals —The demultiplexed signal is received by a photodetector.
APPLICATION LONG DISTANCE- Longer regenerator spacing: Hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Saving of regenerators. Very low bandwidth cost. Advanced networking capabilities. METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK -Unlimited bandwidth, bit rate and format transparency. -Efficient bandwidth use and management.
HIGH SPEED PARALLEL DAT TRANSPORT -Certain computer applications require that computer centers be interconnected with multiple high speed channels that have capacity and availability requirements, as well as interlink delay restrictions that cannot be met by TDM transport system. -In Genera, DWDM optical transport benefits all delay sensitive applications.
ADVANTAGES Better use of existing fiber bandwidth. Transparent to data format and rate. Channels are independent. Commercially mature for point-point links.
LIMITATIONS DWDM transmission is Analog. The inline Amplifiers are also Analog. This implies that the signal to noise ratio worsens with distance. Fibre dispersion is another limitation. REFERENCES