Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Supervisory Safety Leadership Training Best Safety Practice # 5 Identification of Injury Causes “Leading Indicators” Identifying Leading Indicators
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Goals need measurement What to Measure ? Traditional Injury Indicators –Total Number of Injuries & Illnesses –Workers Compensation costs –Lost time injuries –Injuries sort by body part, type, nature of injury These are called “lagging indicators” These “Lagging Measures” are a ‘rearview mirror’ view Injury Prevention Measurement
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Measurement Lagging Indicator Problems Injury bases number goals = accepting injuries/illnesses “After the Fact”, person is already injured Focuses management on the wrong data –What have you proactively done for prevention ? No insight on working safely, “injury drivers” not identified Not precise, data manipulation, no insight on preventative actions Injuries are never eliminated Fact: “Leading indicators” drive “lagging”
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Common injury measures LTA’s/Fatalities Medical Cases/ First Aid Unsafe Behaviors Safety Leadership
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Supervisor Best Safety Practice EH&S Programs & Policies Reporting Injuries vs. Behavior & Near Misses Prevention: –Identifying; Unsafe Behaviors, Unsafe Acts & Conditions, Poor Procedures Faulty Equipment –Addressing near misses & close calls
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. VIDEO “No Injury, No Accident”
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Measurement “Leading” Indicators Leading = Looking to the future; Prevention; –Identifying & Listing injury drivers –Measuring; What activities to do What behavior to address –Measuring accomplishable goals –Look at “systems” to change –Engage all employees, peer support not pressure
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Measurement ‘Leading Indicator’ Tools EXAMPLE TOOLS: Checklists Audits Observations Surveys Scorecards Hazard assessments Inspections Many, many others……..
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Measurement ‘Leading Indicators’ Many Examples Ergonomic evaluation requests Ergonomic assessment completions Project safety walkthroughs Capital project pre-construction safety reviews Safety work orders submitted and timely completion Incident reviews, details & follow-up action PPE Assessments & matrices Housekeeping safety audits Back safety training frequency Observation cards completed JSA’s completed Safety fairs & wellness participation Maintenance safety walk-throughs Targeted Safety inspections conducted Safety observations: Unsafe acts, inattention Strains: Pre-shift stretches, back & lifting safety training, equipment options assessed De-conditioned employees; functional capacity testing Trips/slips/falls: observation; rushing, behavioral safety training Brown bag safety seminars Annual Safety audits Targeted safety training: % completed Targeted Safety meetings (agenda/minutes) Safety initiatives implemented Hazard alerts & follow-up Safety observations Safety huddles completed IH sampling completed Tool condition inspections
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Supervisory Safety Leadership Annual Reduction Plans Turning measures into plans