Geography The major cities in West Virginia are :Charleston, Huntington, Parkersburg, and Wheeling. The population of West Virginia is 1,819,777 West Virginia has 5 bodies of water, Ohio River, Tug Fork River Bluestone Lake, East Lynn Lake, and Summersville Lake.
History Did you know the first brick was made in West Virginia West Virginia was made a state in 1863 There where 5 tribes in West Virginia, Moneton, Cherokee, Conoy, Delaware, and Shawnee Native Americans. Coal was also discovered in West Virginia In West Virginia the Sago Mine explodes killing 12 people, heares a picture of the Sago Mine
Politics West Virginia is a strong democratic state The senator is Sen. John (Jay) Rockefeller The governor is Joe Manchin The Reprasenatives of West Virginia are Rep. McKinley, David, Rep. Shelley Capito, and Rep. Nick Rahall.
Economy Farm products in West Virginia are apples and peaches. Turkeys, chickens, and chicken eggs are the biggest. The employment rate of West Virginia is 90.9% The current unemployment rate of West Virginia is 9.1% One industry in West Virginia is the paper mill in Covington, West Virginia.
Fun Facts West Virginia’s nickname is the Mountain State West Virginia’s state tree is the Sugar Maple The songs of West Virginia are: The West Virginia Hills, This is My West Virginia, and West Virginia My Home Sweet Home The State Flower of West Virginia is the Rhododendron