West Virginia flag
The current governor is Earl Ray Tomblin Joe Manchin and Jay Rockfeller and their party is democrat
West Virginia borders Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, And Washington D.C. The Appalachian Mountains, which extend from Canada to Alabama, run through the whole state
Natural Resources found in our state is natural gas, limestone, and coal West Virginia is a good state for agriculture because 90% of its population are farmers
West Virginia became a state in 1847 President Harding sends federal troops to stop the Battle of Blair Mountain in In 1972 a dam on Buffalo Creek collapses, resulting in a flood that kills 125 people.
Huntington, in Huntington you can go for a swim in the Ohio river and visit the Ohio railroad Morgantown: in Morgantown you can visit the University of West Virginia
West Virginia lies in the Appellation highland Pioneer children in the region that became West Virginians attended classes in log buildings West Virginia is 4/5 covered in forest In most places, West Virginias boundaries are near the mountain chain The Ohio river flows along the western boundary of West Virginia for over 275 miles The Appalachian plateau covers the entire state west of the Appalachian region and valley region
World book Brown, Steven W., and Randall W Jackson. ‘’West Virginia”. World Book Student. World Book, 2014.web.6 may Culture grams ‘’West Virginia’’. culture grams states edition. proQuest,2014.web.13 May 2014.