Walking on the streets of Budapest Click pe disc
2 Chain bridge
3 Danube riverside
4 Four Seasons Hotel
5 Home Office Deak sq.-Hercegprimas st. corner
6 Budapest Opera entrance
7 Budapest Opera, left side
8 Margareten bridge
9 Deak sq.
10 Rememberance wall in Dohany synagogue
11 Rear garden of Dohany synagogue
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 12 Castle and Parlament at r. Danube
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 13 Parlament Building
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 14 Agricultural Ministry at Kossuth sq.
15 Szabadsag sq. (Liberty sq.)
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 16 Erzsebet sq.
17 Rumbach st. synagogue
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 18 Erzsebet sq.
19 Hat shopping in Erzsebet sq.
20 Bazilika Zrinyi st.
21 Hercegprimas st.
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 22 Szabadsag sq. Bank center
23 Folk Art Museum at Kossuth sq.
24 Ceeling of Folk Art Museum
25 Building of Folk Art Museum at Kossuth sq Building of Folk Art Museum at Kossuth sq.
Ivan Szedo: Walking on the streets of Budapest. 26 Hero’s sq.
27 Fine Art Gallery at Hero’s sq.
28 Good bye Muzica : : Czardas –Mont