Secondary Electro-technical School SPSE Kosice Slovak Republic
Welcome on presentation of Secondary Electro-technical School Košice SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Basic information… Some facts about the school: the school was founded in 1967 the school was founded in 1967 it is a state school it is a state school the study lasts four years the study lasts four years the study is finished with the School Leaving Exam (name in Slovak language „Maturita“) the study is finished with the School Leaving Exam (name in Slovak language „Maturita“) the study provides more academic education the study provides more academic education there are about 640 students (aged 15-19) mostly boys, but the study is opened also for girls) there are about 640 students (aged 15-19) mostly boys, but the study is opened also for girls) there are about 60 teachers + administration staff there are about 60 teachers + administration staff a student hostel is at school for non resident students a student hostel is at school for non resident students there are students in each class there are students in each class 24 classes at all school 24 classes at all school
Structure of secondary education in Slovakia GENERAL EDUCATION Grammar schools („Gymnasium“) - 4-year study finished with School Leaving Examination („Maturita“) SPECIAL EDUCATION Technical or Non-technical education Technical schools („SPSE“, „SPSS“, etc.) or Special schools („Commercial Academy“, etc.) VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational schools
Areas of study at Electro- technical school in Kosice
Automation... The students are trained in analogue and digital systems, they learn about Boolean algebra, combination circuits, regulators and regulation circuits. At practical exercises they use PC, Lab- Cards or PLC´s for interfacing with real systems.
Telecommunication... The students learn about analogue and digital switching systems, telecommunication networks, etc. At the practical lessons they test telecommunication integrated circuits, and create telecommunication circuit diagrams.
Electronic Computer Systems... The students learn hardware and software of computers (digital technology, hardware and software installation, networking, operation systems, protocols).
School Subjects Subjects providing general education - Slovak language, English or German language, history, civics, ecology, P.T. Natural science subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry Technical subjects – elementary electrotechnics, electronics, automation, informatics, computers systems, telecommunication Practical subjects - electrical measurements, automation, practice at workshops
Experiences with international cooperation Projects review... Leonardo Da Vinci: 1998 – 1999 teacher exchange – France, Belgium, Holland 2000 – 2001 stay for students – Germany, Belgium 2001 – 2002 stay for students – Finland 1999 – 2001 as a partner in pilot project P.R.O.Q.U.A. Trilateral co-operation in VOTEC project: 1992 – 2004 vocational seminars for teachers and school management – Slovakia, Belgium and Czech republic. We prepare: 2005 – 2006 – LdV mobility project – Poland, Slovenia 2005 – 2006 – Socrates - Comenius – Holland, Spain, Italy (3.-rd year of co-operation)
Signification of international cooperation at school Increase of school credit in region Give a motivation for students. International contacts with schools in Europe. New possibility for balance of different schools and enterprises.
Contact us … For more information please contact us: Phone: Fax: School address: SPS elektrotechnicka Komenskeho KOSICE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Web site:
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