Select ‘CLASSIFY’ tab Classify Function
The Existing Mixtures / dilutions EDIT tool used to Create, Remove, Modify or View Stores ADDRemove View Red = selected Modify Classify Function For a new mixture select ‘ + ’ to ADD
Enter name of pure chemical Classify Function Select search This will locate the CAS number for the next field The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
If more than one match on that name this window will appear: Select the one required Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function Search has located CAS # for this chemical, now Enter the percentage of input for this chemical (eg: 30%) ** NOTE: At end of mixing, your Total MUST equal 100% The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function Using the same procedure as previous 3 screens Enter other chemicals to be included in your mixture (adding up to 100%) The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
SAVE = save this mixture for use later ADD = Add another chemical, CAS # etc CALCULATE = Calculate the Risk Codes for this mixture REPORT = printable report on the mixture LABELS = select & Print labels for this mixture Classify Function ACTION BUTTONS In Right side panel of Classify screen
Classify Function When all ingredients for this mixture have been entered Calculate the Risk of your solution select CALCULATE The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function Close window See the Risk Codes & Phrases for this part of the mixture you are creating Then close the Risk codes window The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
If this mixture is to be used in the future Enter “ Classify / Classification name” for this mixture then Select “SAVE” (in right panel) to add this mixture to your list of Existing Mixtures/dilutions. Select “REPORT” to view printable details of this mixture Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions Printable REPORT on this Mixture To Print select Printer icon To Exit select ‘X’ (takes you back to Classify Screen)
If you SAVED your mixture for use later,your mixture appears highlighted in Left panel of this screen and this summary report appears. To print labels from this screen select LABELS icon Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions EXIT This screen
Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions To print labels from this screen select this icon.
Enter the name you wish to have appear on the label Then click SUBMIT Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Labels Template Gallery Select the layout for the Label/s you want to print Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
This is a Print preview of your Label/s To Print select Printer icon To Exit select ‘X’ (takes you back to Labels template gallery) Classify Function The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function To EXIT select ‘X’ (takes you back to classify screen) The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function To EXIT Select ‘X’ (takes you back to first CLASSIFY screen) The Existing Mixtures / dilutions
Classify Function Select MATERIALS tab to return to main screen or To EXIT ChemGold3, select Logout The Existing Mixtures / dilutions