The Advance CV Workgroup The Advance CV Workgroup June 17, 2015
2 Faculty Feedback Educator Portfolio Wrap up Agenda
3 Faculty Feedback Create a way to show new features –Update a CV video –Review a CV video –Custom CV video Create a way to solicit faculty feedback –Website including list of features and access to the three videos –Survey to collect feedback Send to faculty
4 Faculty Feedback as of 6/16/15 Video views –Update My CV for Review – 112 –Create a custom CV – 59 –Use the CV to evaluate achievement – 50 Responses to Survey – 51
5 Survey Question #1 Do you feel the revised CV will allow you to better represent the full range of your academic accomplishments? –Probably will not – 2 –Probably will – 18 –Definitely will – 31 –26 comments
6 Survey Question #1 Do you feel the revised CV will allow you to better represent the full range of your academic accomplishments? –Concern about the time needed to put the CV in the new format Overall, it is a rearrangement that will require us to spend more effort accommodating the change. On balance, I think the effort required of us to implement that reshuffling of where we provide the information is not worth it. –It's very difficult to figure out where to put QI projects/efforts/achievements. As this is such a hot topic in clinical medicine, it would be great to have a dedicated header for this.
7 Survey Question #1 continued Do you feel the revised CV will allow you to better represent the full range of your academic accomplishments? –Concerns that effort on grants fluctuates –Include precise dates for things like lectures –Allow significant publications to be other than publications –Seventeen people like the inclusion of Educator Portfolio sections –Two people like the proposed changes in general
8 Survey Question #2 Will the proposed changes improve your user experience with the Advance CV? –Don’t Know – 1 –Probably will – 25 –Definitely will – 25 –16 comments
9 Survey Question #2 Will the proposed changes improve your user experience with the Advance CV? –It’s a cumbersome but very helpful tool. Improving it, and allowing greater flexibility in output for custom CVs is highly appreciated. –Sticky headers and navigation tools will make Chair Letter easier to write –Make it more Apple than PC Make a “standard” CV that is NOT UCSF-specific Prompt for name change after Copy CV –All of the changes will improve the process –Twelve additional positive comments
10 Survey Question #3 Will you use the revised Advance CV to produce a CV for a purpose other than UCSF advancement? –Probably will not – 6 –Don’t Know – 11 –Probably will – 19 –Definitely will – 14 –13 comments
11 Survey Question #3 Will you use the revised Advance CV to produce a CV for a purpose other than UCSF advancement? –An NSF CV format would be an improvement –No other reason for a CV; Biosketches we do separately and always will –Custom CV instructions seem rather complicated –I suspect I will use it for conference presentations as an expansion of a speaker's bio
12 Survey Question #3 continued Will you use the revised Advance CV to produce a CV for a purpose other than UCSF advancement? –Yes, especially if the creation of a customized cv function works well –Automatically highlight changes since last action –Six additional positive comments
13 Survey Question #4 Provide feedback about any of the proposed changes –Are there other changes which would improve your experience? –Are there other changes which would encourage you to use the Advance CV for other than UCSF academic review? –26 comments
14 Survey Question #4 Provide feedback about any of the proposed changes –Rich text throughout –Don’t make us learn new functionality, please –Make it possible to have the CV public –Add a PMC ID field to the Bibliography Section –Fix formatting errors such as “amp&“ –Access to the previous Chair letter –Somehow incorporate the editorial suggestions from a mentor/proxy
15 Survey Question #4 continued Provide feedback about any of the proposed changes –Ensure that the percent time devoted to activity matches requirement for the person's series –The ability to copy entries within each category –Output format of current "export CV" is poor Unclear whether this has been addressed –Editing is clunky with the done/save differences between sections –It would be helpful to have a place to save dated narratives
16 Survey Question #4 continued Provide feedback about any of the proposed changes –Automatically sort in chronological order –Spell check –Option for more or less granularity on dates –Browser issues, especially Firefox –Changes to text formats can cause a just- entered citation to vanish – really frustrating –Automatically update references (link to Profiles) –Enable candidate to highlight parts of CV to view
17 Survey Question #4 continued Provide feedback about any of the proposed changes –More automatic formatting for uniformity –Don’t limit “Leadership” to Chairs and Deans –Be careful asking for Effort Allocation: Public service as part of the 100% may not match up with grant efforts May be useful to record activities and hours per year –this is the weakest area of the CV for faculty
18 Design ideas New feature suggestions QI section More precise dates in teaching Modify the Significant Publications section Make a “standard” CV that is NOT UCSF-specific Prompt for name change after Copy CV Highlight changes since last CV Rich text throughout PMCID in a separate field Incorporate editorial suggestions from a mentor/proxy Save dated narratives Automatically synch from Profiles to CV Enable user to highlight parts of the CV Automatic formatting for uniformity
19 Design ideas Suggestions outside of CV Workgroup scope NSF CV format Make the CV public Access to previous Chair Letter
20 Conceptual Design Clarification: –Does the candidate have the option to include BOTH the Narrative field and the EP structured section? Or is it one or the other? Include the EP Executive Summary as well as the EP Teaching section as the “structured” Teaching Summary Educator Portfolio
24 Wrap up Timeline Original goals Next steps
25 Wrap up
26 Workgroup Charge Develop an updated CV format that allows faculty greater flexibility to represent the full range of their academic accomplishments Provide feedback and guidance on functionality for uploading/editing the CV Determine and maintain a standard CV format to provide efficiency for faculty reviewers Represent your constituencies during the revision process Advocate for the CV Module we develop
27 Next Steps Review of roll-over text Testing Suggested future meetings November (review roll-over text) December (testing)