The Good and Bad of Microorganisms Question Packet
1 - What is a Microorganism? *A microorganism is a living thing that can only be seen with the aid of magnification.
2- All microorganisms are ________ ___________ or ______________ living things or organisms
3- Explain what unicellular or single-celled means. Single-celled means any living thing that has only one cell, the smallest unit of life.
4- Some microorganisms are ____, living things that make their own _____ from simple substances usually using ___, as plants do. Some microorganisms are PRODUCERS, living things that make their own FOOD from simple substances usually using SUNLIGHT, as plants do.
5- Most microorganisms do not cause _________ and many are ___________. DISEASE HELPFUL
6- How are Microorganisms classified? Microorganisms are classified by the microorganisms' shape, structure, how they get food, where they live and how they move.
7- What are the microorganisms we are studying in this unit? Bacteria, Fungi, and Protists
8- Give the definition of bacteria. Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that exist all around you and inside you.
9- How do we depend on bacteria? We depend on bacteria to help in the digestion of food, for plant growth, and to help us make foods and medicines.
10- _____, bacteria and fungi feeding on breaking down plant matter. DECOMPOSERS
11- When bacteria break down the ____ _____, they release substances that can be used by other _____ in the ______. When bacteria break down the DEAD ORGANISMS, they release substances that can be used by other ORGANISMS in the ECOSYSTEM.
12- Where in our bodies do bacteria always live? Bacteria are found in digestive systems and help digest food.
13 – What foods have bacteria? YOGURT AND CHEESE
Bacteria are the smallest ________. MICROORGANISMS
15 – What is required to see bacteria? To see bacteria as a single organism, requires a microscope with very high magnification.
16 – Bacteria live in ___ ___ ___ ____ _____. Bacteria live in almost every place on Earth.
17- Scientists can ____, grow microorganisms in a specially prepared ______ ________. Scientists can CULTURE, grow microorganisms in a specially prepared NUTRIENT MEDIUM.
18- WHAT ARE FUNGI? Fungi are organisms that are neither plant nor animal, yet have characteristics of both, and absorb food from whatever source they are growing on.
Mushrooms cannot make THEIR OWN FOOD and must live on a FOOD SOURCE. 20- Mushrooms cannot make _____ _____ _____ and must live on a _____ _____. Mushrooms cannot make THEIR OWN FOOD and must live on a FOOD SOURCE.
21- What is another type of fungus? Another fungus, yeast, is used to make bread rise and give it flavor.
22-Fungi like ____ ____ places to grow. WARM MOIST
23- Protozoans are____________. Protozoans are microscopic organisms that usually live in water.
24- Protozoans move through the water with tiny _____ _____ ____ ____. Protozoans move through the water with tiny HAIR-LIKE ARMS CALLED CILIA.
25- Protozoans eat ___ and _________. Protozoans eat BACTERIA and MOLD.
26-Why is it not a good idea to drink water from a stream? Streams sometimes contain a protozoan called Giardia that can make you sick.
Algae are _________. Algae are a type of protist that usually live in water and can produce their own food.
28- List the colors that algae can be. Algae can be red, brown, yellow or green.
29- Algae can grow up to ________. 60 meters
30- Algae is an important part ____ ____ _____ _____. Algae are an important part OF THE OCEAN’S ECOSYSTEM
31- ALGAE PROVIDE FOOD FOR ______________. fish, whales and many other sea animals.
Thank you, thank you very much! Love those microbes!