Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics Strategy, Functions & Products Michael Brady, Executive Director GTOS 4 th Steering Committee Meeting Paris, 1-2 December 2009
Outline 1.Goals, functions and recent drivers 2.Current emphasis and achievements 3.New directions and priorities 4.Links to GTOS strategic areas
What is GOFC-GOLD? A coordinated international effort to ensure a continuous program of space-based and on-the-ground forest and land cover observations A network of participants implementing coordinated research, demonstration and operational projects A vision to share data, information and knowledge, leading to informed action and decision support A long term process of building an improved match between Observations, Data Products and User Needs
GOFC-GOLD Origins One of first IGOS prototype activities Strategy and implementation plans established in the late 90s Became Panel of GTOS Decided to extend beyond forests to all land cover Hence Global Observations of Land Cover Dynamics
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics Land Cover Characteristics and Change Use and refinement of land cover data and information products Coarse resolution earth observations for land cover mapping Fine-scale land cover change Integration with in-situ observations
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics Fire Mapping and Monitoring Refining international requirements for fire-related observations Best possible use of fire products from existing and future satellite observing systems Support fire management, policy decision-making, and global change research
Steps for research and operational product development Specification of requirement Observations available (as data sets) Research/ prototype product created Algorithms/ assimilation established Validation procedures established and applied Product adopted and distributed by operational agency Routine quality assurance & validation Further improvements needed to meet requirements?
Ongoing Strategy Review 1999, Ottawa - GOFC-GOLD Report 2: A Strategy for Global Observation of Forest Cover 2005, Beijing - GOFC-GOLD Report 24: A Revised Strategy for GOFC-GOLD 2008, Jena - GOFC-GOLD Report 44: GOFC- GOLD Strategy Review as part of the 3 rd GOFC- GOLD Land Cover Symposium 2009, Washington – GOFC-GOLD Strategy review meeting associated with 6 th GEO Plenary
Core Functions of GOFC-GOLD 1.Specifying requirements for products 2.Assessing algorithms and data assimilation procedures 3.Ensuring the availability of observations 4.Harmonization and the development of protocols and standards 5.Ensuring that operational products meet accuracy requirements 6.Capacity building and the role of regional networks 7.Creating GOFC-GOLD products and services 8.Providing information to support international assessments 9.Advocacy role, especially in relation to the continuity of observations and validation
Recent drivers for GOFC-GOLD 1.UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Essential climate variables Monitoring capacity needs of developing countries (REDD) 2.GCOS Implementation Plan Reliable methods for land-cover map accuracy assessment 3.Group on Earth Observation (GEO) 4 land and forest related tasks in 10-year work plan 4.Global land cover monitoring and assessments GLOBCOVER, FAO-Forest Resources Assessment IGOS-P Land Theme (IGOL) Land Use themes (agricultural monitoring, cover fragmentation)
2009 Strategy Review Continued and new component support for Chair (NASA) Project Office (Canadian Forest Service, Canadian Space Agency) Land Cover Office (European Space Agency) Fire Office (NASA) Regional Networks (START, NASA, JRC, Canada) Working groups (Project Offices, member support) GTOS Secretariat Adjust components of GOFC-GOLD Confirm value added Renewal of support
Notable achievements EO themes: –Land cover –Fire –Biomass Mechanisms: –REDD –Regional Networks –GEO
Land Cover Characteristics and Change Current emphasis: Ensure Continuity and Consistency of Observations Promote Harmonization, Interoperability and Synergy of Land Cover Products Develop Validation Standards and Support their Implementation Improve Adequacy and Advocacy of Land Information Products Engage Regional Networks and Support Capacity Building Share Data, Information, and Knowledge Notable Achievements: Development of standards reports for the Land Cover and Biomass ECV’s Contribution to GlobCover validation framework and implementation Comparative validation study of several global land cover products REDD Side Events at UNFCCC SBSTA and COP Capacity building workshop on monitoring deforestation
Ensuring that operational products meet accuracy requirements Procedures for global land cover validation (Strahler et al, 2006) Available at: df/GlobalLandCoverValidation. pdf
GLOBCOVER 2005 Global land cover using ENVISAT/MERIS (300 m resol.) ESA/JRC with FAO, IGBP, EEA, GOFC-GOLD … Builds upon experiences (GLC2000) and evolving standards (LCCS, validation protocols)
Fire Mapping and Monitoring Current emphasis: Developing a Global Fire Assessment Prototyping a Global Fire Early Warning System Development and implementation of an International Burned Area Validation Protocol Evaluating the Fire Disturbance Essential Climate Variable Various international collaboration initiatives on active fire characterization Notable achievements: Establishment of the International Land Direct Readout Coordination Committee (ILDRCC) Transfer of an Active Fire Monitoring system to operate at the UN FAO Promoting and securing fire monitoring capabilities for the next generation of planned polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites (e.g. NPOESS VIIRS, GOES R, Sentinel-3)
Global Fire Danger Rating System Drought masked by fuel Drought x Fuel x Hotspot Density ATSR Hotpots, ATSR Hotspot Density, Creating products and services
Providing information to support international assessments Interannual variability: April-May Characterizing Global Fire
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation GOFC-GOLD REDD working group formed in 2006 to address key technical issues (i.e. degradation, accuracy assessment). “Sourcebook” on technical capabilities for monitoring deforestation and its emissions –Includes role of land cover and fire analysis in REDD –Updated for REDD+ (Deforestation, Gains and Losses of Carbon Stocks in Forests Remaining Forests, and Forestation)
GOFC-GOLD Regional Networks 8 Regional Networks in Africa, South America & Asia Identifying and articulating regional issues, priorities, and challenges for the use of earth observations Engaged in: –Forest Resource Assessment 2010 –Land cover product validation –Planning and coordination of optical and radar data acquisition –Global Fire Assessment 2010 –Best practices formulation –Training and capacity building –Regional Network Data Initiatives where distribution is weak
GOFC-GOLD Regional Network Data Initiative Goals Disseminate earth observation data in regions where available distribution methods are not effective Compile regional and in country data sets relevant to land cover and fire observations Approach -- GOFC-GOLD regional network structure will be used to establish regional nodes within the networks to: disseminate data on media (DVD, Disk) encourage regional products to be developed using the data Pilot for Africa Involves 4 regional networks Network representatives received data and training over 3 weeks at USGS EDC and South Dakota State University in April 2009
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Forest and Land Cover Monitoring Establishing the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation to enhance capacity building and strengthen information sharing in the forestry sector Collaboration between all regional initiatives on forests, including the Asia Forest Partnership The need for improved forest monitoring was articulated in the Sydney Declaration of the APEC (September 2007)
GOFC-GOLD and GEO Registering EO systems to build the GEOSS Directly contributing to tasks: –DA-09-03a Global Land Cover –CL-09-03b Forest Carbon Tracking –DI-09-03b Implementation of a Fire Warning System at Global Level –US-09-03b Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
CL-09-03b Forest Carbon Tracking National Demonstrators 2009 Brazil Guyana Mexico Indonesia (Borneo) Australia (Tasmania) Cameroon Tanzania In 2010 we plan to expand this network of national demonstrators and verification sites Utilise synergies where possible with CEOS LSI Constellation regional areas, and countries from UN REDD + World-Bank Forest Partnership
PALSAR acquisition status (June 12 - Sep 30, 2009) Brazil & Guyana - 2 coverages June/July [completed] ; Aug/Sep [completed] Mexico - 2 coverages Aug/Sep [partially completed] Sep/Oct [partially completed] Cameroon - 2 coverages June/July [completed] ; Sep/Oct [completed] Tanzania - 2 coverages June/July [completed] ; Sep/Oct [completed Borneo - 2 coverages June/July [completed] ; Aug/Sep [completed] Tasmania - 2 coverages June/July [completed] : Aug/Sep [completed]
Selected Verification Sites Verification Sites for 2009 EO Data Acquisition
Thematic Product Requirements (as per IPCC-UNFCC Guidance) UNFCCC framework definition of forest and deforestation adopted for implementation of Article 3.3 and 3.4 (Kyoto Protocol) Products needed: National level Forest information (wall-to-wall; border-to-border) –To avoid ‘leakage’ –To report at national + sub-national + project levels Annual Change basis (i.e. time-series) –UN/market reporting requirement, –Improve accuracy and attribution of changes Resolution (best operationally available eg 25 m) –To report change at sub-hectare basis
GEO FCT Data Portal [ - official launch GEO-VI, Nov.18, 2009] Supported by Google
Statements at GEO-VI meeting in Washington DC requesting a collaborative process GEO to assemble Interim Working Group to design an operational system: –identify and co-opt key people and institutions –develop a budget and secure finances –draft a terms of reference View to having an Implementation Plan for an Operational Global System to present to the GEO Ministerial Summit next year Discussion around the same time among GEO, CEOS and participating CEOS agencies to seek assurances regarding commitment of those agencies to the FCT outcomes in 2010 FCT operational global system
Emerging Priorities for GOFC-GOLD Biomass Monitoring ECV implementation oversight Land use mapping support to CBD
Emerging Priorities for GOFC-GOLD 1) Biomass Monitoring GOFC-GOLD Working Group on Biomass initiated in 2009 at the 4th Global Vegetation Workshop The working group supports international initiatives to specify the observation requirements for monitoring biomass as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Working with the GEO forest carbon tracking task Supports space agencies and their efforts for improved biomass monitoring, including the development of dedicated space-borne missions
Emerging Priorities for GOFC-GOLD 2) ECV implementation oversight Small ad hoc working group building upon the GOFC-GOLD land cover team and the CEOS WGCV land (cover) validation sub-group 1.International communication (with GTOS, GCOS) 2.Synthesize ECV monitoring requirements beyond what exists today 3.Needs and frameworks "international compliance" i.e. on product definitions, synergy, and harmonization 4.Framework for independent and operational accuracy assessments (CEOS WGCV Stage 4)
Emerging Priorities for GOFC-GOLD 3) Land Use Mapping Planning for a LCIT working group on Land-Use/Agriculture Merge activities so that the GOFC activities and GEO tasks can be mutually beneficial. –Agriculture focus used to evaluate adaptation to climate change –Use to evaluate competition for land between bioenergy and food production –3 global datasets: baseline with routine change and crop calendars Challenge for GOFC-GOLD: Initial focus on land cover, trend toward focus on land cover change, even less consensus on definitions (legends) with respect to change than exist for land cover -- this is one of the topics where the differences between land cover and land use become particularly poignant
whether or not a particular habitat continues to exist the degree of habitat fragmentation land cover and other parameters as a proxy to infer species distributions and trends temporal vegetation dynamics disturbance events (i.e. fire, deforestation); land use intensification (wildlands to urban), crucial habitats, and edge effects The following biodiversity information might be derived from satellite data: Emerging Priorities for GOFC-GOLD 4) support to CBD
GTOS Focus Areas GTOS StrategyCurrent GOFC-GOLD Activity Climate changeECV for land cover, fire and biomass REDD Sourcebook Terrestrial carbon stocks and fluxes GEO forest carbon tracking task Biomass working group Global fire assessment Land degradationLand cover update and change detection Fire monitoring and characterization Loss of biodiversityNot directly addressed (but land use theme being considered) Integration of space and ground observations GEO forest carbon tracking task FRA 2010 methods/validation Biomass working group
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics Thank you, Questions? Main web page Land cover IT web page Fire IT web page