Roles of the Secretary and Chairperson end show
Role of the Secretary Before the meeting On the day of the meeting The Secretary has an important role in ensuring that a meeting runs smoothly. The Secretary has duties: Before the meeting On the day of the meeting Before the meeting starts During the meeting After the meeting
Duties before a meeting Book venue/accommodation Open file for papers needed at meeting Draft Notice of Meeting & Agenda for Chairperson’s approval Distribute Notice of Meeting and Agenda to members (have spare copies as backup) Note any apologies Check arrangements for refreshments, audio visual aids, car parking etc Have Attendance Register ready for completion Make sure all stationery (pens, paper etc) available back to questions
Duties on day of a meeting Inform reception of meeting and list of those attending Put up direction signs to meeting room Check room to ensure layout is suitable, refreshments, audio visual aids are in place. Take all necessary papers, Attendance Register, Agenda and previous Minutes to meeting Greet people on arrival at meeting back to questions
Duties during a meeting Read Minutes of previous meeting, apologies for absence and other correspondence Ensure Chairperson signs Minutes of previous Meeting Assist the Chairperson throughout the meeting Take notes summarising all proceedings so Minutes can be drafted after meeting or Action Minutes as appropriate Check that Attendance Register has been signed by all attending meeting back to questions
Duties after a meeting It all starts again! Tidy up room by removing any left papers and inform reception that the meeting is finished. It all starts again! Draft the Minutes of the Meeting as soon as possible. Check the draft minutes with Chairperson Send out Minutes or prepare them to be sent out with next Notice of Meeting Deal with any correspondence or matters that need to be dealt with as a result of the meeting Start preparing for next meeting! back to questions
Role of the Chairperson To make sure that the meeting is set up and run according to the rules of the organisation To start the meeting punctually To sign the Minutes as a correct record once all members present at the meeting have agreed back to questions
Role of the Chairperson To work consistently through the Agenda explaining clearly the item being discussed To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak and that discussion is kept to the point To sum up To close or adjourn a meeting formally back to questions
Revision Questions Try to answer the questions on the next few slides To the questions If you need help to answer them then click on the action button next to each question.
Revision Question 1 State 4 duties of a Secretary before a meeting. next question
Revision Question 2 State 4 duties of a secretary on the day of a meeting. next question
Revision Question 3 State 4 duties of the secretary during a meeting next question
Revision Question 4 State 4 duties of a secretary after a meeting. next question
Revision Question 5 The Chairperson has an important role to play in ensuring a meeting runs smoothly. List 5 things a chairperson is responsible for with regards meetings. next question