The Chairperson Runs meetings and leads discussions Helps to prepare the agenda Talks to teachers and governors about what the school council thinks and its ideas for new activities Makes sure all council members are actively involved
The Secretary Takes notes (minutes) at meetings Helps to prepare the agenda Makes sure everyone knows when the meetings are Keeps all notes safely in the Minutes Book
The Vice Chairperson Keeps in touch with all the class representatives Makes sure that everyone who agrees to do something actually does it Leads meetings if the chairperson is away
The Treasurer Looks after the school council’s money Writes reports on how much money has been spent, what it has been spent on and how much is left
The Alerting Officer Ring the bell prior to school council meetings, calling SC children in from the playground/classrooms where necessary
Publicity Officers (x2) Makes sure minutes/ agendas etc are photocopied and passed onto Admin Distributors
Poster Committee (x2) Prepares posters and displays them around the school
Venue Manager Set up the meeting room prior to each meeting Tidy up the meeting room after each meeting
Registration Officer Takes the register at each meeting, informs secretary of absentees
Admin Distributor Hands out information such as weekly agendas and minutes to all School Council members