Development of Competence Profile Quality managers in VET-institutions Project no: PL1-LEO This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
What is a management system? Quality management is a system for defining the principles formanagement of a business. A management system is thus the formalized and decided that the system should be used to make a business efficient in terms of achieving its objectives.
Develop and ensure the quality A prerequisite for systematic improvement is a formalized structure of the work.
Internal control The results of management's self-monitoring is placed in relation to defined quality and defined goals and translated into decisions.
Management's review and development of management Management review is the management process for data analysis, decision making and actions.
To guide the learning Knowledge management involves developing, disseminating and applying best available knowledge to make the best possible benefit for users and society
To make the system known It is required that there is a decision at management introducing quality management system to gain legitimacy in the business.
Management System structure Management system structure must be relevant to the goals, and available to the whole business in a logical way.
Four Steps
European report based on the national reports and gathered material
The following questions will try to assist in the analysis and planning phase. Baseline How has quality work previously been reported? What has worked? What has not worked? How have the final results been compiled? Have you been able to use the result in the development of quality? Are the results available to all? Existing resources Who the resource persons are? Can we handle the data - on the Internet, our network or on CDs? There are teams that can handle the model? Is there any existing model or structure that could help in the effort?
Planning and implementation What is the timetable for the introduction of new quality approach? In what rate will the quality work be introduced? What shall be included in: Step 1 Basic model? Step 2 Extended model? Step 3 Complete model? Gathering of results: How will the plan for data collection look like? How will data be handled? Digital, on paper? How will data be reported? Who will manage the data in the different stages? How should the compilation be done?
Of results placement Where will the results be stored? Who should have access to the results? Information for staff How do we motivate a new model? (Labour saving, schematic) How will the information be made for staff? Education Need staff and managers deeper insights into the model? Can leaders evaluate and analyze the model? Can teams evaluate already or is there a need for knowledge on this?
Quality development How will the results be used in the development of quality? How will the conversation model and the analysis model look like? How will principals and managers to become a full dialogue partner for the teams with the knowledge of each team? Quality Anchoring How do the organization anchor the quality results?
Areas of competence Laws and requirements Objectives, policies, business plans and action plans Empowerment Process for management review, decision-making and action Procedures for self-assessment Procedures for receiving and investigating complaints and comments Procedures for collating and analyzing incoming reports, complaints and viewpoints
Routine for the production of gender statistics and impact with a gender perspective based on this Main processes, sub-processes, procedures and checklists Routine Risk Analysis Routine for document management Document Templates Model to develop process descriptions Quality Manual
Competences needed The quality assurance and development is a continuous running through four phases: Plan Do Check Act
KnowledgeSkillsCompetences PLAN Advanced quality management; Quality Management Systems (ISO9001); standardization/certification; formulating objectives; designing measures; comparing the actual and target values; Planning and organization; Leadership; Intercultural (social dialogue); Social (ethics, responsibility, credibility, loyalty); ICT; Communication Strategic thinking; analytical thinking; ability to think synthetically; vision and creativity; ability to set targets; DO (Implement) Process control; VET system and responsibilities; Problem-solving; Team-work; ICT; project management; Communication Ability to inspire, motivate, convince; determination; ability to cooperate with everyone at professional level; sense of what is feasible CHECK (evaluate and study) Quantitative and qualitative evaluation instruments and methods; basic statistics; presentation techniques; Assessment; Conflict resolution; Training; Communication; Team-work Critical thinking; patience and endurance; ACT (examine, Identify need for change and act) Fundamentals of project management; Positive basic attitude; solution orientation; frustration tolerance; fairness; constructive critical attitude ; Communication; team-work Vision and creativity; ability to set priorities; consistency; strategic thinking;
KnowledgeSkillsAttitudes: has knowledge of different monitoring and evaluation techniques is able to use the different techniques is self-reflective has knowledge of the ways that outcomes can be used to improve the learning process, is able to listen carefully is willing to invest in the further development learning strategies and his/her own practice is able to interpret the outcomes of the monitoring or evaluation process is willing to improve the learning process and the strategy used in his/her own practice
Quality management: the following list of qualifications or competences is required: The high awareness of the role as management leader to assurance the quality Knowledge of the quality circle structure Competence to identify success critetria, methods of evaluation in order to assure the quality. The evaluators should possess appropriate competences and knowledge: -Knowledge of the current issues of school and education policy -Knowledge of Evaluation as methodology -Knowledge about characteristic of a good school and its indicators -Knowledge about the characteristic of good lessons and current methods of learning and teaching Communication competences Team work competences Education and further education Ability to discretion
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