Sending and receiving s… To send a you simply press new You can receive s off anyone You can add attachments Don’t open the if you don’t know the person You can send one to multiple of people
Viruses… Random people sending you s isn’t always good Over strangers can send attachments Most of the time you open them Well you shouldn’t because they could be viruses Viruses ruin the software on your computer making the computer extremely slow.
Archiving your s… You should archive your s including any type of attachments because any type of s that you may need later in life say you have business s coming through for your meeting but you can’t have it in your inbox you can archive it this means you’re saving it but not in your inbox,you can then find the or s in your all mail box any type of you archive can then be found in here.Archiving your s is better than deleting them just say your making deal with business and you’re paying a certain amount but when you get there and they say a different amount of money you can go into your all mail box and it will be there with the exact quotation you got. Any that you archive will be there so you cannot get rid of it or lose it unless you physically delete the s. To archive your messages you have to open go to the little message button click on it then click on the and press the archive button then to make sure your s been archived go into all mail it’s that easy.