Busi Foundations of Leadership Stuart A. Youngblood Dan Rogers Hall, Room 366 Phone: tcu.edu
Pablo Neruda: If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death.
Habit 1: You are the programmer! Review: You choose your emotions! You are the most important person in you circle of influence! We tell ourselves clever stories to rationalize learned, reactive behavior.
Nietzsche: “S/he who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.”
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind (You Write the Program) All things are created twice: 1.You must create it mentally & spiritually 2.Then you can create it physically Requires self-awareness, imagination, foresight, & conscience to understand/learn about yourself and what you really value
Robert Fritz on vision: “The best way to begin the creative process is at the end.” From: The Path of Least Resistance.” NY: Fawcett Columbine, 1989.
Importance of Habit 2 Principles Personal and Values Mission Statement It gives you purpose & direction in your life You won’t miss good opportunities You will be better able to evaluate situations & opportunities If they are NOT the right opportunities, you are more likely to say “NO”
Importance of Habit 2 Don’t let yourself be guilty of climbing a ladder that is leaning against the wrong wall
Personal Mission Statement Your personal VISION of the desired future based on the CORE VALUES & PRINCIPLES that are most important to you as a person and as a leader It is based on how you want to live your life and what you want to be remembered for when your life is over
Characteristics Timeless – constant in the face of change Ends & Means – what you really want and how you will get there Four Basic Human Needs –Live (physical needs) –Love (emotional needs) –Learn (staying connected) –Legacy (knowing that your life will matter) Roles – living a balanced life that honors all of the roles that are really important to you
Individual Examples I want to be the kind of person my dog already thinks I am. I live to serve my talents as communicator, artist, and independent businesswoman. I create balance in work, play, and community. I inspire those I interact with.
Individual Examples My mission is to give, for giving is what I do best and I can learn to do better. I will seek to learn, for learning is the basis for growth, and growing is the key to living. I will seek first to understand, for understanding is the key to finding value, and value is the basis for respect, decisions, and action. This will be my first act with my wife, family, and my work.
Exercises My “end in mind” for the exercises that follow is: To help you to think deeply about yourself and apply these thoughts to creating a Personal Mission Statement
Exercise: Personal Assets When everything is really working for you, when you are most productive and the happiest: 1.What are you doing? 2.What personal capabilities are you using? 3.What do others see and comment on during these times?
Exercise: Core Values Core Values: The worth or priority we place on people, things, ideas, and principles. You have been chosen to take a ride in a “magic time machine” and travel to the end of time. Since space is limited, you can only take 3 core values with you…values that most reflect what is important to you in your life. What are these 3 core values that will define who you want to be until the end of time? Be Specific
Update: Core Values I was mistaken …there is only room for 2 core values that you can take with you on this journey. Which 2 values define who you want to be until the end of time? What are they?
Update: Core Values I was mistaken again …there is only room for 1 core value to accompany you on this journey. Which 1 core value defines who you want to be until the end of time?
Exercise: What’s Next For You? Focus on the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of your life in the past 4-5 years 1.What accomplishments are you most proud of? 2. What personal assets did you depend on? 3. What did you learn or develop that mattered most?
Exercise: What’s Next For You? Now, what have you prepared yourself to do very well over the next 4-5 years?
Important Roles In My Life What roles are you in now and who do you interact with in those roles?
Important Roles In My Life RolesPersons HusbandAnne FatherTherine & Abby AOM Ombuds18,000+ AOM members TeacherMy Students MediatorParties in the dispute
Important Roles In Your Life Think about the different ROLES that you are currently involved in List the five most important roles Next to the roles, list the names of the key people that you interact with in these roles
Important Roles In My Life RolesPersons
Your Final Legacy SCENARIO: You are celebrating your 80 th Birthday. Write short phrases describing what 3 people (family & friends) will say in tribute to you as they look back on your life
Exercise: Complete the Sentence 1.I am at my best when I am … 2.The thing that I want most in life that I do not currently have is … 3.My family and best friends tell me that my strongest asset is … 4.The thing that I want most from my career is … 5. The things that I need to work on to improve over the next five years are …
Exercise: Complete the Sentence 6. My deepest positive emotions come when… 7.The qualities of character that I most admire in others are … 8.The qualities of character that best define the “real me” are … 9.The adventure that I want to have is … 10. If I had unlimited time and resources over the next five years, I would…
Exercise: Complete the Sentence 11. When I retire and look back on my life, the greatest feelings of pride and fulfillment will come from … 12. The thing that I would dare to do, if I knew that I could not fail is … 13. My greatest talent (gift) is … 14. The relationships that I value most are … 15. If I were to win the lottery, then I would …
Bringing It All Together Think back over all of these exercises: 1.What shows up more than once? 2.What is clearly important to you, even though it only shows up once? Now, let’s try to bring your personal insights together
Personal Mission Statement Why is Your Mission Statement Important? 1.It is the ‘mental creation’ for your life 2.It enables you to live an ‘intentional life’ 3.It allows you to see if you are/are not making progress toward what is most important to you 4.It allows you to think & act ‘strategically’ on a personal level
Homework: Take The Challenge Use the ‘data’ you have generated so far in these exercises to: Finish a draft of your personal mission statement We will use it as we move forward into Habit 3
Should You Change Your Personal Mission Statement? Anything you create, you can change: You are most likely to change it at important life stage changes … at graduation, accepting a job, marriage, birth of your children, important career transitions, and when you must make really big decisions Goals are more likely to change than core values