Managing Speech Anxiety Communications 1020 Instructor: Dave Gagon
“ At least 75 percent of students in public-speaking courses approach the course with anxiety. ” James C. McCroskey, “ Classroom Consequences of Communication Anxiety, ” Communication Education 26 (1977)
Identify What Makes You Anxious Lack of public-speaking experience Feeling different from members of the audience Feeling uneasy about being the center of attention PUBLIC-SPEAKING ANXIETY
Lack of Experience Some avoid making speeches Avoid anxiety Miss considerable rewards and growth it brings
Feeling Different Worry about personal idiosyncrasies Worry that no one would be interested in what they have to say Believe that being different somehow makes them inferior
Being the Center of Attention Don ’ t worry about Listeners who won ’ t make eye contact Audience members whispering to each other What ’ s wrong with ME? NOTHING
QUICK TIP Your Own Worst Critic If you find yourself feeling anxious about being the center of attention, remember that you see yourself more critically than an audience does. Audience members notice little about us that we don’t want to reveal, so relax and focus on delivering your message.
Pinpoint the Onset of Nervousness Pre-preparation anxiety Preparation anxiety Pre-performance anxiety Performance anxiety
Pre-Preparation Anxiety Reluctance to begin planning for the speech So preoccupied with anxiety you miss vital information
Preparation Anxiety Feel overwhelmed Get behind on schedule Unable to locate support material Causes stress, procrastination and avoidance
QUICK TIP Rehearsing Builds Confidence Making progress on any task increases confidence. Preparing your speech in advance will lessen your nervousness considerably. Remember, just as sitting around wishing you were in better physical shape won’t firm you up, merely wishing your speech will be a success won’t make it so. To ensure a positive result, prepare the speech well in advance and rehearse it several times.
Pre-Performance Anxiety Thinking too much about the audience Think ideas don ’ t sound focused or interesting Get nervous Stop rehearsing
Performance Anxiety Most pronounced during the introduction Get control here, the rest of the speech comes more easily
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes Visualize success
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes Visualize success Use stress-control breathing
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes Visualize success Use stress-control breathing Practice natural gestures
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes Visualize success Use stress-control breathing Practice natural gestures Move as you speak
Learn Specific Strategies to Boost Your Confidence Prepare and practice Modify thoughts and attitudes Visualize success Use stress-control breathing Practice natural gestures Move as you speak Seek pleasure in the occasion