Classify your information need and select appropriate resource(s) from the Shimberg Library! Selecting Resource Databases for Health Care Literature Annotated list and selection matrix 03/09 Information Types BackgroundForegroundPoint of Care Looking for… Structure General knowledge Definitions Foundation Characteristics Fundamentals Components Statistics Instruments Research Specific knowledge Specific patient or population PICO: Patient (population), Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes Evidence-based clinical decision, focus, or support Formatted to provide instant results Medical condition based Sample questions… What is thrombolysis? What drugs treat DVT? Where is the National Library of Medicine? How does radiotherapy compare with tamoxifen in women with completely excised ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast? Should you administer ACEI to your patient who has experienced a myocardial infarction? Resource Type… Textbooks; reference books; dictionaries; directories; atlases; websites; images; drug compendiums Journal literature; systematic reviews; abstracts; practice guidelines Point of care monographs and reviews; reviews of effect; pre-appraised evidence summaries Results format… Book section, chapter, page Web site Medical pictures Drug monographs Journal articles RCT Meta-analysis Practice guideline Review Systematic Reviews Monograph Outline Abstract Resource Database… USF Catalog MD Consult Books Stat!Ref (Books) Harrison’s Online Ovid Textbooks HAPI Mental Measurements Ulrich’s Directory Hardin Medical Directory (medical pictures) Google/Advanced PubMed or Ovid Medline Web of Science (Knowledge) CINAHL (Nursing) PsycInfo USF Library E-Journals USF Library Databases PubMed Clinical Queries Cochrane Database ACP Journal Club DARE Bandolier InfoPOEMS UpToDate DynaMed Clinical Evidence Shimberg Health Sciences Library Need Help? Call the Reference Desk
DARE (Cochrane and Ovid) University of York’s database of structured abstracts of systematic reviews-HSC ID/password; at U of York, no password Bandolier ( Evidence of effectiveness in bullet points of things that worked and those that did not; from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomised trials, and observational studies. Free-from Evidence Based Medicine Resources on the homepage-no password InfoPOEMS (PDA available) Experts identify and summarize the most valid and clinically applicable new evidence from research findings-use HSC ID/password UpToDate (updated quarterly) Answer clinical questions in daily practice, at point of care, summarizing published evidence, making recommendations for patient care. Available on workstation in library only DynaMed (PDA available) Medical information database; 1,800 clinical topic summaries; for use at the point of care, providing best available evidence and updated daily Clinical Evidence International source of best evidence for effective health care; summarizing the known and not known about more than 200 medical conditions and over 2000 treatments. Medline (PubMed or Ovid) Principal and largest database of worldwide medical journal literature; Pubmed requires USF id#; Ovid- HSC ID/ password PubMed Clinical Queries Interface within PubMed filters Medline literature search to retrieve clinical medical studies or systematic reviews of literature-requires USF id# Web of Science (in Web of Knowledge) Major worldwide database of journal literature. Requires USF id# Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Evidence-based systematic reviews of clinical and randomized controlled trials from published medical literature-HSC ID and password CINAHL (Ovid or Ebsco) Principal database of the nursing and allied health journal literature-Ovid HSC ID; Ebsco USF id# PsycInfo (Ovid) Principal database of psychological literature-HSC ID/password USF Libraries E-Journals Database Full text, journals available online, click on USF libraries-(to find all available journals, search both here and the catalog) USF Libraries Databases Master list of journal literature databases. Click on USF Libraries, Databases/Newspapers ACP Journal Club (Ovid) Articles reporting original studies and systematic reviews regarding advances in Internal Medicine; abstracts and commentary by clinical experts-HSC ID/password All resources available from the Shimberg library homepage unless otherwise noted USF Catalog Online inventory of all USF libraries; books, journals, media, databases. Online access to individual items and full text may require passwords MD Consult 50+ full text books, 50 journals, practice guidelines, Drug compendium, patient handouts and more-HSC ID/password Stat!Ref 29+ online medical specialty textbooks and drug reference texts-HSC ID/password Harrison’s Online Continuously updated, Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine-HSC ID/password Ovid Textbooks 8 core textbooks online in Ovid-HSC ID and password HAPI (Health & Psychosocial Instruments): Access to information on measurement instruments in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, etc., in Ovid-HSC ID and password Mental Measurements: Contains full text information and reviews of English-language standardized tests and instruments; found in USF Libraries Databases Hardin Medical Directory Medical pictures for presentations, etc. See All eResources-no password Google/Advanced Good site for pictures and web searching. Access from your favorite browser Background Resources:Foreground Resources: Point of Care Resources: