Sensor List Adafruit SD Shield/RTC Analog Pressure Analog Humidity Analog Accelerometer (X and Z Axis) Digital Temperature
Adafruti SD Card Shield/RTC Reserved PinsFunctionAttached To D10-13SPI/Chip SelectD10-D13/D8 A4RSerial Data LineA4 A5Serial Clock LineA5
Sparkfun Proto Shield
Digital Temperature Sensor PinFunctionAttached To 1GroundGND 2Data BusDigital Pin 2, 4.7kΩ Resistor connected to 5V Power 35V Input5V
Humidity Sensor PinFunctionAttached To GNDGround InputGND OUAnalog Data OutputA1 5V5V Input5V
TruStability Pressure Sensor PinFunctionAttached To 1NothingN/A 25V Input5V 3Analog OutputA0 4Ground InputGND
3-Axis Accelerometer PinDescriptionAttached To STSelf Test PinN/A GSELInput to select measurement level (1.5 or 6gs)3.3V 0GDOutput that provides a signal when all axis are at 0gN/A SLPInput to enable Sleep Mode3.3V XOUTX Axis Analog OutputA2 YOUTY Axis Analog OutputN/A ZOUTZ Axis Analog OutputA3 GNDGround inputGND VCCPower input (3.3V)3.3V
3-Axis Accelerometer
LEDs LEDPositive PinGround Pin Power36 Data Collection56
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