Elders Lodge Garden 2005 asehmaa (tobacco), corn, beans, squash, radishes, tomatoes, peppers
Goal: revive traditional use and teachings of asehmaa
Asehmaa is the messenger
that carries our words, thoughts, and prayers to the creator.
Our prayers are powerful. Each day we offer asehmaa
to the Gitchie Manitou, the Mishomisanawn, and the Nokomisanawn.
Our medicine plants become stronger, our water cleaner and
we continue to thrive as Anishinabe,
the indigenous people of this land.
Our process for creating the garden: 1. Brainstormed potential locations – Elders Lodge 2. Elders Lodge management approved 3. Elder residents consulted 4. Garden space tilled 5. Rows and mounds created 6. Compost collected and spread on garden 7. Planting done by all volunteers with Elders present 8. Weeding 9. Fence installed 10. Weeding 11. Harvesting **continued watering and love by Elder residents
original Mohawk seeds are now at:
Early morning of planting
Earl and Ray ready to plant
Garden just before planting
Additional garden for individual residents
Sharon explaining how its done
This is how……
Grandmas begin planting….
Becky working hard
Everyone pitches in
Be ready to get your hands dirty!
Vegetables are planted
Asehmaa being carefully planted
It is very precious
Sharon & Doreen sing the asehmaa song
Last row for planting
Tip: use hay to keep the weeds out
Look how beautiful
If the rabbits are feasting do this
Tomato plants
The three sisters mounds
Precious and so beautiful!
Do you know what this is?
The end For more information contact: Sharon Day at ex 11