Classroom Technologies Re-organization Copyright Kathy Bohnstedt, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Past Organization Created from existing units Organized by facility Had been in place for 5 years after divisional re-organization Evenly distributed staffing across labs and classrooms Worked well at the time, but would not work for changes that were coming
Past Organizational Chart 15.5 FTE
Rationale for re-organization New Instructional building significant increase in the instructional technology offered to the George Mason community completed staffing analysis new positions required Customer difficulty
New Organization Analyzed duties of groups Organized by function rather than facility New groups being formed with like functions together New positions being created Focus on simplifying customer interaction
New Org Chart 25 FTE
New Groups Classroom Computing Technical Services Computer Lab Coordination AV Equipment Distribution Operational Support Video Conferencing Shared positions
Classroom Computing Desktop Management and Support Software Management Local Server Administration Pay-for-Print Computer Imaging Computer Repair
Technical Services Non-computer equipment in ECs Lead in EC trouble calls Distance support Primary back-up for user training in ECs Service Vendor Coordination
Computer Lab Coordination Responsible for management and training of lab consultants Responsible for operations of computer labs Lead in wage management practices
AV Equipment Distribution Manages all check-out equipment Supports Johnson Center activities Manages Smart Classrooms Manages all General Purpose Classrooms Same day equipment scheduling
Operational Support Event Support Coordination Ad-Hoc scheduling of Computer Classrooms Next day and later equipment reservations Website Management Inventory Liaison
Video Conferencing Coordinate all video conferencing activities Provides training in VTC to users and staff Single point of contact for VTC and emerging conferencing technologies
Task Forces Technical Practices Analyze and recommend technical policies and procedures for new environment Work with other ITU units on testing and deployment of new environment Business Practices Analyze and recommend consolidated processes and procedures for customers and staff
Where are we now? Staff acclimated to their new roles Staff cohesiveness being developed Faculty still getting used to new organization New LAN architecture still being developed New and consolidated procedures being created
Plans for the future All hands meetings and activities to facilitate working relationships Further development and documentation of new practices Investigating additional shared positions
Contact Information Kathy Bohnstedt Director, Classroom Technologies Division of Instructional and Technology Support Services George Mason University (703)