School Funding Update 15 January 2013
School Funding - Headlines There is less flexibility within the budget than anticipated, largely due to uncertainties linked to funding for Post 16 High Needs Students and a reduction in the overall level of prior attainment funding being received because of improving attainment levels. Budget setting is a particularly complex this year. In addition to the changes introduced through the new School and Early Years Finance Regulations, funding for two year old education and Post 16 ‘High Needs’ budgets are transferring into the DSG. The DSG is forecast to be £208M in 2013/14 (23,965 Primary 18,016 Secondary)
School Funding - Update We had initially intended to delegate an additional £190k in the primary sector and an additional £700k in the secondary sector for prior attainment to allocate the same amount of funding through this factor as in previous years. Due to improved results, significantly fewer pupils are now attracting this funding and the DSG has been reduced as a result. However, the Pupil Premium (additional to the school budget share) will significantly increase in 2013/14, from £623 to £900 (FSM and LAC). Our allocation will be £8.5m represents nearly 5% of ISB. Schools Forum agree to revised estimates for two year old and ‘High Needs’ funding and no additional delegation of prior attainment funding then we will not need to cap gains in individual schools resulting from formula changes. As previously discussed, making an inflation payment will not be possible.
School Funding - Update Schools Forum and the Lead Member have agreed: Early Years Single Funding Formula Primary and secondary formula factors and unit rates Growth fund arrangements Central budgets and de-delegated items Use of the £3.8m DSG balance Additionally they have recognised: No additional delegation of prior attainment funding No inflationary increase possible
School Funding – Update As a result we are now in a position to provide detail of our budget decisions to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) by 22 January and once approved by the EFA we should be able to issue individual school budgets to schools (but not academies as this is within the EFA remit). Thank you to everyone who participated through the consultation exercises and events this year. A particular thank you to the Schools Forum members. Attention now needs to turn to some other themes, for example the ‘local offer’ and primary to secondary ratios (set at 1:1.25).
How your school budget share (SBS) is made up Maintained Schools
How your SBS is made up 2 Year Olds 3 & 4 Year Olds (Nursery Provision) 5 – 16 Year Olds in a Department Place 16 – 19 Year Olds in a Department Place (Sixth Form Provision) 2 Year Olds in a Designated Nursery Class 3 & 4 Year Olds in a Department Place 5 – 16 Year Olds 16 – 19 Year Olds (Sixth Form Provision) 5 – 16 Year Olds with SEN > £6k 16 – 19 Year Olds with SEN > £6k AgeAge Level of Need
Early Years Funded using the EYSFF based on a termly head count Funded by LA from the Early Years Block of the DSG 2 Year Olds 3 & 4 Year Olds (Nursery Provision)
Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) 2 Year Olds Termly Head Count Quality allocation 3 & 4 Year Olds Termly Head Count Quality Allocation Deprivation based on child postcode Fixed Allocations
Mainstream Funded using the local formula based on October census First £6k of SEN funded via proxy indicators Funded by LA from the Schools Block of the DSG 5 – 16 Year Olds
Local Funding Formula AWPU (1 primary & 1 secondary rate) Deprivation (FSM & IDACI bands) Fixed Allocation Prior Attainment (EYFSP & KS2 results) Split Site Allocation EAL (eligible in last 2 years Primary, 3 years Secondary) Pupil Mobility NNDR
Sixth Form Funded using the national Post 16 formula based on lagged pupil numbers Funded by the EFA (Funding passported via the LA) Funded on an academic year basis 16 – 19 Year Olds (Sixth Form Provision)
High Needs > £6k Top-up funding provided where assessed need of individual student > £6k (first £6k funded by proxy indicators in SBS) Funded by LA from the High Needs Block of the DSG 5 – 16 Year Olds with SEN > £6k 16 – 19 Year Olds with SEN > £6k An agreed number of 16 – 19 Year Old places will be funded at £6k per place at start of academic year. Top- up funding will be available for higher need.
High Needs Departments / Additional Resourced Units 5 – 16 Year Olds in a Department Place 16 – 19 Year Olds in a Department Place (Sixth Form Provision) 2 Year Olds in a Designated Nursery Class 3 & 4 Year Olds in a Department Place Funded based on the number of agreed places at £10k per place Additional funding is topped up during the year as required Funded by LA from the High Needs Block of DSG
Additional Delegation All funding and responsibility to be delegated to schools except following budgets held centrally: –Admissions –Primary Behaviour Support –Licenses –Primary Facilities Time LA continues with statutory responsibility for: –Home to School Transport –Education Psychologists
How your SBS is made up - Maintained Special Schools 2 – 16 Year Olds 16 – 19 Year Olds (Sixth Form Provision) 19 – 24 Year Olds Funded based on the number of agreed places at £10k per place Additional funding is topped up during the year as required Funded by LA from the High Needs Block of DSG
Minimum Funding Guarantee Primary and Secondary Schools based on SBS / Number of Pupils (Excludes Sixth Form funding, fixed allocation, NNDR and SEN) Schools with nursery classes includes EYSFF allocation Special Schools based on place value Maximum reduction 1.5% in 2013/14 & 2014/15 financial years