Wyoming Brenna West Gr.4
‘The Cowboy State’ Also called the Equality State, Wyoming probably has more true working cowboys today then any other state. You might imagine cowboys live on flat land where nothing changes for miles and miles. But Wyoming is a Delaware Indian word that means “alternating valleys and mountains.” Wyoming has mountains in the west and plains in the east.
In Wyoming… Women got to vote, all the way back in 1869! The rest of the country’s women didn’t get to vote until Wyoming also had the first woman to serve in a jury, the first female mayor, and the first female governor. No wonder it’s called the Equality State.
Old Faithful Old Faithful, in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, is America’s most famous geyser. A geyser is a special kind of hot spring that shoots water into the air. Yellowstone, the world’s oldest, largest and most popular national park, has more than two hundred geysers plus lot of other cool wonders like boiling mud.
State Flower The Indian Paintbrush is the state flower. The Indian Paintbrush is part of the figwort family. The Indian Paintbrush looks like it was dipped in bright red paint.
State Bird The Meadowlark is the state bird. The Meadowlark is the most characteristic birds of the North America grasslands. Meadowlarks are members of the blackbird family. There scientific name is Sturnella neglecta. They weave dried grasses into a bowl shape.
Wyoming’s Independence Rock Thousands of pioneers traveling west on the Oregon Trail carved their names in a landmark called Independence Rock near Casper.