Community Services 2014 Chapter Leader Training NMA...THE Leadership Development Organization Award Winning Teams are good public servants!
Community Services 2014 Chapter Leader Training NMA...THE Leadership Development Organization Award Winning Teams are good public servants!
Community Activities Youth Activities Management Week in America NMA Leadership Speech Contest Today’s Topics
Making a difference by contributing something of value – money, skills, time, advice, or sweat equity Helping without expecting something in return Motivating someone to make a difference Taking steps to fulfill the urge or sense of obligation to stand for something bigger than yourself What is Community Service?
Community Activities Part of the chapter’s mission should be to inform, encourage, and inspire the volunteer within us who believes in making a difference in the world around us. To find places to volunteer, go to:
Community Activities When you are volunteering through the chapter, not only the chapter spreads goodwill, but your sponsoring organization may get the most significant benefit of all – being perceived as a good corporate citizen of the community.
Girl Scout/Boy Scout Leaders Walk/Run/Bike for Charities Holiday Assistance Habitat for Humanity Special Olympics Blood Drives Community Activities R-1 Reporting: Sponsoring an Activity vs. Participating in an Activity
Community Activities Cleaning a park Collecting items for charity such as clothes, food, or furniture Cleaning roadsides/highways Serving the elderly in nursing homes Assisting the local fire or police service Helping out at a local library Tutoring children with learning disabilities Cleaning nursing home gardens
Youth Activities Junior Achievement Students in Free Enterprise Get aHead for Business Coaching and Mentoring NMA Leadership Speech Contest Adopt-a-School Plant tours
Designated as first full week in June by Presidential Proclamation in Recognizes professionalism and the importance of developing Leadership and Management skills. Chapters encouraged to designate local “Manager/Leader of the Year.” Chapters also encouraged to obtain MWIA Proclamations or Resolutions from local city/community leaders. Management/Leadership Week in America
We need to generate enthusiasm for understanding great leadership and make an effort to celebrate it in our companies, organizations, and communities. Management/Leadership Week in America A perfect time to RECOGNIZE others!
The NMA Leadership Speech Contest History and Purpose Competitive Levels Prizes Student Eligibility Contest Rules – Scheduling Contest Personnel Information Packet Forms Judging Criteria Reference Materials
Speech Contest History and Purpose Began in 1988 National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) approved for listing in the “Student Contest and Activities.” Contest Purposes -Understand various aspects of Leadership -Develop communication skills -Help students finance their education
Open to students enrolled in High School or Home Schooled (, grades 9-12http:// A Look at the Contest
Content (50%) –Speech Development –Effectiveness –Speech Value Delivery (30%) –Physical Presentation –Voice –Manner Language (20%) –Appropriateness –Correctness Judging Criteria
COUNCIL LEVEL Competition between chapter winners. Chapters that do not belong to a council need to obtain a waiver to participate at the area level. Contact NMA Headquarters for additional information. COUNCIL LEVEL Competition between chapter winners. Chapters that do not belong to a council need to obtain a waiver to participate at the area level. Contact NMA Headquarters for additional information. Four levels of competition and aligned with NMA’s six geographic areas: Northeast, Southeast, Central, Southwest, Pacific South, and Pacific North. DETERMINED BY COUNCILS First Place should not exceed $500, if monetary prize DETERMINED BY COUNCILS First Place should not exceed $500, if monetary prize Competitive Levels and Prizes DETERMINED BY CHAPTERS First Place should not exceed $300, If monetary prize DETERMINED BY CHAPTERS First Place should not exceed $300, If monetary prize CHAPTER LEVEL Competition within a school, between schools, including home schooled participants and chapters CHAPTER LEVEL Competition within a school, between schools, including home schooled participants and chapters
3. LDC (East and West) LEVEL Competition between council a chapter winners at the two LDC’s 1 st Place - $1,000 2 nd Place FINAL LEVEL (At NMA Annual Conference) Competition between 4 LDC winners 1 st Place - $4,000 2 nd Place - 1,000 3 rd Place (2) At the Final Level Competition, NMA is responsible for coordinating travel, judges, prizes etc., for the competition at the Annual Conference. Competitive Levels and Prizes
Chapter/Council Level –Chapters and Council assume all respective costs LDC Level (East or West LDC) –Chapters and Council shall be responsible for transportation, food and lodging costs for contestant and parent/chaperone. Contest prizes are provided by NMA. –Sponsoring Chapters/Councils need to identify a “Contact Person” to assist contestant at area contest Final Level (NMA Annual Conference) –Costs include transportations, one guest room for up to two nights and up to three banquet tickets –Sponsoring Chapter/Councils need to identify “Contact Person” to assist contestant at this level Contest Forms
Contestants must compete at chapter level to be eligible to compete at council level. At the Chapter/Council level contests, one winner is designated and is eligible to advance to the next level. At the LDC Level, contestants from the SE, C & NE areas compete at the East LDC; contestants representing the PS, PN & SW compete at the West LDC. A contestant shall not hear the speech of another contestant. Speech (rough draft) needs to be submitted to Contest Director in advance to verify theme is acceptable. Contest Rules
Chapter Level - Conducted between fall and mid- winter Council Level – Conducted between February and end of March LDC Level – Conducted at both Leadership Development Conferences scheduled April - June Final Level – Conducted at Annual Conference scheduled September/October (Four LDC winners compete) Contest Scheduling
The NMA Leadership Speech Contest Guide Chapter and Contestant Forms ( Chapter Speech Contest Confirmation (Word document) Student Entry Form (Word document) Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk Form (Word document) LDC Speech Contestant Registration Form Chapter Speech Contest Confirmation Online Form Contestant Feedback Form Contest Forms
Chapters must submit a monthly Chapter Activity Report (R-1 Form) to NMA (used to document chapter’s participation) CS Award is presented to Chapters that have completed activities under the D area (Community Services) of the R1 and earned minimum points as determined by this formula: Minimum Points =.2 * # of *Members + 35 A chapter with 100 members: Minimum pts =.2 x = 55 minimum pts *Membership figure is the number of paid members that have been reported to NMA as of the last day of the chapter’s administrative year. Community Services Award
Volunteers need to be recognized! Recognize Your People!
Community Services Reference Materials available to you Community Services Guide NMA Speech Contest Guide Management Week In America Guide Recognition and Awards Guide
Download guidebooks at: Thank you for attending!
Now, let’s get our questions answered!!