Karanveer Savech
Reed Hastings opens up Netflix. He put a free trial of Netflix in every mailbox. Stared his first company called Pure Software Stock market opened at $17 and closed at $29.95 He sold his company for $750 million two years later. Launched Netflix in 1998 for renting DVD’s online. Partnered with Blockbuster
Netflix went public in 2002 Stocks grew by 16%Walmart gave Netflix their DVD customers in exchange for promoting Walmart. In 2008 Blockbuster gave up on online dvd rentals because they lost 100’s of million dollars. Hastings went from dvd to online streaming. Added 11k titles in 2 years 20 million subscribers in 2011 Streamed movies to other electronics other than Pc
Raised fees by 60% in 2011 People unsubscribed to Netflix after prices were raised by 60% In 2012 Netflix began development of original content for its platform By April 23, 2013 after success of House of cards Netflix gave subscription to HBO
Reed Hastings owns Netflix. He was born in Boston in the 60’s. He served in the military He got a masters in computer science. He was born is a middle class family.
He lost his seat at the state school board. In 2008 Blockbuster gave up on online dvd rentals because they lost 100’s of million dollars. Hastings went from DVD to online streaming. Stared his first company called Pure Software He started working at California State Board of Education. Had to lay off a third of the company.
The main competitors were Netflix, Blockbuster and also Walmart. The suppliers of online content are Sony, Fox, and universal Ent. There are no more DVD rentals. Everything got switched over to online streaming.