Sponsored by: Alexander Street and Library Journal Event Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 – 2:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Moderator: Cheryl LaGuardia is Research Librarian for the Center for Jewish Studies, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, East Asian Languages & Civilizations, the Freshman Seminar Program, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, and the Regional Studies -- East Asia Program, at Widener Library, Research Services, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Her e-Views Blog appears at: her e-Reviews column appears in Library Journal, and she edits Bowkers’ Magazines for Libraries ( Stephen Rhind-Tutt is President of Alexander Street Press, an electronic publishing company in the Humanities and Social Sciences. He has 23 years of experience in Electronic Publishing, with a number of different companies. From he held a variety of roles at SilverPlatter Information, including Vice President Health Sciences Publishing, and Vice President U.S. Region. In these roles he was responsible for the development, sales and management of more than 200 electronic products. Until its sale to Proquest Stephen was President of Chadwyck-Healey, Inc. where he developed and distributed more than 100 electronic products, including the world’s largest collection of primary texts in English and American Literature. Stephen has spoken at a number of conferences including The Charleston Conference, The Association for Documentary Editors, The Society for Scholarly Publishing and more. He is a board member of CLIR, the Council on Library and Information Resources. deg farrelly has worked with academic media collections for more than 35 years. His responsibilities as a Librarian at Arizona State University include media, liaison to Communication Studies, and chairing collection development at the West campus' Fletcher Library. He has presented frequently on matters of academic media at national conferences, including the Consortium of College and University Media Centers, the Charleston Conference, Electronic Resources & Libraries, and ALCTS' 2009 pre- conference workshop Streaming Media and Proliferating E-Books: Acquiring and Managing Emerging Formats. Most recently he served as one of the organizers and moderators of the Higher Education Digital Video Summit. His article on implementing an innovative model of patron-driven acquisition of streaming video for the Arizona University Libraries Consortium was recently published in College & University Media Review.
Stephen Rhind-Tutt President Alexander Street Press (US and Canada) Alexander Street Press, LLC 3212 Duke Street Alexandria, VA
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