By: Annelise Dayana Brandee
A polymer is a substance that has a molecular structure built up from a large number of similar molecules bonded together!! Examples of Polymers are:
In the 1500’s, British Explorers found that the Mayan’s used first polymers to make rubber balls for children to play with. Then, in 1839, Charles Goodyear discovered vulcanization. He combined rubber and sulfur to 270°F; this made rubber which is used in tires today.
So in 1907, Leo Baekeland fabricated the first recorded synthetic plastic and it was used as an electrical insulator. In 1917, x-ray crystallography was invented. Eight years later, M. Polanyi used it to discover the chemical structure of cellulose. This proved that polymer unit cells contain sections of long chain molecules.
Then, in 1920, Staudinger published a paper called “Uber Polymerization,” which led to the development of the modern polymer theory. In 1927, the polymer compound vinyl-cholride is made into products such as PVC pipes. Polystyrene is invented in 1930 and is used for videocassettes. Expanded polystyrene is used in styrofoam cups.
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In 1938, Nylon is invented by Wallace Carothers. Then, in 1941, Polyethylene is invented and used for packaging film, piping, and toys. In 1970, the high temperature polymer Ekonol is invented by James Economy and is used in electronic devices and aircrafts.
In 1971, S.Kwolek invented kevlar, which is a high strength marterial that can withstand high temperatures. It is used in bullet proof vests and fire proof garments. Then, during 1976, it was determined that the world uses more plastic than steel, aluminum and copper combined.
The New York Times Company, comp. "What Are Some Examples of Polymers?" The New York Times Company, Web. 8 May MASTE, comp. "History of Polymers." N.p., Spring Web. 8 May TeacherTube. "A Brief History of Rubber." Web. 9 May