Facts Originated from India for spiritual and aesthetic discipline One of the first and most successful products of globalization The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root word yuj which means join together Yoga was banned in Malaysia in 2008 for Muslims
Reasons why… Weight loss Lowers blood pressure Anxiety Relief Improves balance Helps become more familiar with your body
Reasons why… Improves self-confidence Improves your posture Lowers risk of injury Stronger bones Helps you think clearly Keeps you active Keeps you healthy Increases your sex drive
Reasons why… Relaxing Strengthens your muscles Improves flexibility Improves breathing
My opinion… Yoga helps me regain my sanity after a long day of work and/or school. Also, if I wake up and do it in the morning, I feel energized and ready to start my day feeling great! I’m a happier me after I do a yoga workout. While doing the workout it helps me think, feel strong and gain strength, and helps me be less of an extremely clumsy person. It’s a good soul searching exercise.
How to get started… Knowing what to do Cheaper Route: look up yoga beginner YouTube videos Local gym beginner yoga classes Yoga websites with video cam instructors What you need Buy a yoga mat or workout on a comfy surface Wear something you can easily move around in
Here’s a video to get you started and one I’ve personally used! Hope this makes you want to try out yoga!
Work’s Cited Oct Gregoire, C. “How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day You Begin (INFOGRAPHIC)” yoga_n_ htmlhttp:// yoga_n_ html Aug “Why is Yoga so Good for You?” “39 Interesting Facts About...Yoga” Nov Yoga with Adriene. “Yoga For Complete Beginners - 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout!”