Buy Lottery Tickets Online The four largest jackpots in the world are currently offered by US Mega Millions, EuroJackpot, US Powerball and the California SuperLotto. That's just the tip of the iceberg though, so make sure to visit our list with the Biggest Lottery Jackpots to decide which lottery suits you best this weekend! Many of the big lotteries around the world are currently offering millions in prizes. Find out which lotteries offer the most attractive jackpots and then play - and hopefully win - this weekend!
How To Buy Lottery Tickets Online Play lottery syndicates for your favourite lotteries online and boost your odds. Simply buy syndicate shares and we'll do the rest. For example: there are shares available for 200 line syndicates for Mega Millions, Powerball and EuroJackpot! When you buy a share in one of these syndicates, you have 200 chances (instead of 1) of winning any of the prizes!
Buy Mega Millions Online Buy your Swiss Lotto tickets online in time for this Saturday's draw and you'll discover that there's more to the Swiss than cheese, mountains and girls named Heidi! Whilst the Alpine powerhouse lottery is sometimes overshadowed in terms of jackpot size by the pan-European EuroMillions and EuroJackpot, you'd be well- advised to play the Swiss Lotto this week.
Buy Powerball Online Purchasing a ticket for the Powerball drawing of April 11th at the local convenience store, she only now chose to come forward to claim her win, as time was needed to let the good news soak in. Remarking on her win, Alice simply said “this is a blessing in our lives and proves that anything is possible with faith in God”. Adding further as to where she plans on spending her money, the lucky winner was quoted as saying how her friends, family, and church will all benefit from this massive windfall. Though the winning amount was $80 million, Ms. Dawson has opted for a one-time payout, resulting in a lump sum of $53.4 million. Not bad, considering the $2 price of a single ticket! Her winning numbers were 1, 12, 32, 42 and 58, with the Powerball number of 12.For your chance at the biggest US lottery at the moment, Mega Million’s $85 million jackpot, get your ticket here on theLotter! Buy Lottery Tickets Online For inquiries please visit : We’d like to connect with you.