Poetry in Motion 10 th grade Project Micki St. Sauver, MWP Candance Doerr, MWP February 12, 2011
Overview Day #1 Billy Collins Poetry Standards Sample Finding images (Google images) Day #2 Adding Text Day #3 Recording (If Time) Sharing
Standards Writing Process: Production and Distribution of Writing Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, Media Literacy Make strategic use of digital media As an individual or in collaboration, create a multimedia work, ◦Present, transform, or remix content in an ethical manner b. Publish the work and share with an audience.
Billy Collins American Poet Poet Laureate of the United States New York State Poet “The most popular poet in America” Inspiration for our final poetry project
Sample My Sample ◦Previously created student poem ◦Addition of images and effects
Finding Images Underline or list the 3-5 images in your own poem that you think are critical to its meaning Log into your account Go to Google Images Search for the 3-5 chosen images Save/drag to desktop Open imovie – drop images into new video and save
Adding Text Now that your images are arranged the way you want them, you can begin to add text to your video. Click on the text icon to view all of your options Select one and drag it above each image Now you can type in your lyrics – the less you type per image, the larger the text will be
Revision/Editing Before publishing, think about what a published piece of writing looks like: ◦Words in title capitalized ◦All words spelled correctly (If you are using alternative spellings, please think about why you are using them and include an explanation in your artist’s statement.) Goto Spell/Grammar check for each slide Save after editing
Adding Background Music Goto search.creativecommons.orgsearch.creativecommons.org At the site, select Jamendo ◦Type in guitar or classical or instrumental Drop your choice of background music into the sound track of your video If time, voice record your poem
Publishing The last 15 minutes of class today will be set aside to share your work with the rest of the class. As you finish, I will save your poem to a flash drive for showing