Jesus’ Miracles. The importance of the miracles Jesus’ actions, his miracles, are important Jesus’ actions, his miracles, are important Affirm the truth.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus’ Miracles

The importance of the miracles Jesus’ actions, his miracles, are important Jesus’ actions, his miracles, are important Affirm the truth of his words

Variety of signs 1. Healing Miracles 2. Exorcism 3. Restoration of life 4. Nature miracles

Challenge of the Miracles: Take ‘em or Leave ‘em? Because of today’s reason- centered world view, Miracle stories are problematic. This has led to a two option response to miracles: Take ‘em or leave ‘em Because of today’s reason- centered world view, Miracle stories are problematic. This has led to a two option response to miracles: Take ‘em or leave ‘em Leave ‘em – miracles are, by definition, phenomena that go beyond the laws of nature. This group says, therefore, that Leave ‘em – miracles are, by definition, phenomena that go beyond the laws of nature. This group says, therefore, that  miracles cannot really happen.  People who believe in miracles are easy to fool

Take ‘em or Leave ‘em? Take ‘em – all miracles are taken literally. This group  rejects Scientific explanations  Says that symbolic explanations lack faith.

You can Leave ‘em but… There is evidence that Jesus truly was a miracle worker. There is evidence that Jesus truly was a miracle worker. Non-Christian historians referred to Jesus as a “wonder- worker.” Non-Christian historians referred to Jesus as a “wonder- worker.” The Gospels record that the Pharisees, while Jesus’ biggest critics, do not deny Jesus’ ability to work miracles. The Gospels record that the Pharisees, while Jesus’ biggest critics, do not deny Jesus’ ability to work miracles. There were lots of eyewitnesses to Jesus’ miracles – they are recorded in the Gospels. There were lots of eyewitnesses to Jesus’ miracles – they are recorded in the Gospels. The large following of Jesus during his life and later after his death/resurrection/ascension probably did not form only on hearsay. The large following of Jesus during his life and later after his death/resurrection/ascension probably did not form only on hearsay.

You can take ‘em but… The Gospels sometimes exaggerate the miracle stories over time. The Gospels sometimes exaggerate the miracle stories over time. Markan priority- Compare w/Matthew, written after Mark Markan priority- Compare w/Matthew, written after Mark Mark 1:35 – Jesus “cured many who were sick” Matt. 8:16 – Jesus “cured all who were sick.” Mark 1:35 – Jesus “cured many who were sick” Matt. 8:16 – Jesus “cured all who were sick.” Mark 5:23 – (Jairus) “My daughter is at the point of death.” Matt. (9:18) – “My daughter has just died.” Mark 5:23 – (Jairus) “My daughter is at the point of death.” Matt. (9:18) – “My daughter has just died.”

Ultimately, we can neither deny miracles nor take all of them literally. Ultimately, we can neither deny miracles nor take all of them literally. Take ‘em or Leave ‘em is not going to produce a satisfactory answer to the problem of the miracles. Take ‘em or Leave ‘em is not going to produce a satisfactory answer to the problem of the miracles.

Third option? A third, or middle, option can be found through study of the miracles – A third, or middle, option can be found through study of the miracles – what is their purpose in the gospel stories? What are they meant to convey? How did people in ancient times understand miracles?

Ancient Worldview – “Miraculous” Ancient people lacked modern science, medicine, or technology to explain the inexplicable. Ancient people lacked modern science, medicine, or technology to explain the inexplicable. Ancient people had a distinct belief in God’s interaction with humanity and the world. Ancient people had a distinct belief in God’s interaction with humanity and the world. Jews believed that the One True God intervened in their lives – from Abraham to current times = salvation history Jews believed that the One True God intervened in their lives – from Abraham to current times = salvation history Greeks and Romans believed in a pantheon (temple) of gods and goddesses, who, at their pleasure, got involved in human life. Greeks and Romans believed in a pantheon (temple) of gods and goddesses, who, at their pleasure, got involved in human life. The Pantheon was dedicated to pan theos, "all the gods." The Pantheon was dedicated to pan theos, "all the gods." Therefore, for ancient people phenomena, “Miracles” explained the mysteries of life. Therefore, for ancient people phenomena, “Miracles” explained the mysteries of life.

From Acts of the Apostles (14:8-12) “In Lystra, there was a man sitting who could not use his feet and had never walked… “In Lystra, there was a man sitting who could not use his feet and had never walked… And Paul…said in a loud voice, ‘Stand up on your feet!’ And Paul…said in a loud voice, ‘Stand up on your feet!’ And the man sprang up and began to walk. And the man sprang up and began to walk. When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted, ‘The gods have come down to us in human form!’ When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted, ‘The gods have come down to us in human form!’ Barnabus they called Zeus and Paul they called Hermes…” Barnabus they called Zeus and Paul they called Hermes…”

Faith, first requirement Faith in Jesus is a requirement in understanding the miracles Faith in Jesus is a requirement in understanding the miracles - Jesus required belief in him and faith in God to perform miracles. - Jesus required belief in him and faith in God to perform miracles. - Could not perform miracles in his hometown because of their disbelief - Could not perform miracles in his hometown because of their disbelief Mark 6:2-6 Mark 6:2-6 “Where did this man get all this?”...And they took offense at him…And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And he was amazed at their disbelief. “Where did this man get all this?”...And they took offense at him…And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And he was amazed at their disbelief.

Special signs & conversion By performing miracles, Jesus is providing special signs that verifies his identity by showing God’s power. By performing miracles, Jesus is providing special signs that verifies his identity by showing God’s power. -Exorcisms: Jesus is the conqueror and Lord over sin. -Exorcisms: Jesus is the conqueror and Lord over sin. the central message of all miracle stories is that conversion – changing from non-belief to belief in Jesus – is the point and meaning of the miracle stories. the central message of all miracle stories is that conversion – changing from non-belief to belief in Jesus – is the point and meaning of the miracle stories.

Nature miracles – God’s reign is over all of creation. Jesus overcomes the chaos of the world by performing miracles. Jesus overcomes the chaos of the world by performing miracles. Jesus calms a storm and walks on water. Jesus calms a storm and walks on water. Jesus feeds thousands by multiplying loaves and fishes. Jesus feeds thousands by multiplying loaves and fishes.

Leprosy in the Bible “Leprosy,” when used in the bible, refers to any serious skin disease that renders somebody “unclean” under the law. “Leprosy,” when used in the bible, refers to any serious skin disease that renders somebody “unclean” under the law. Leprosy, like any physical or mental illness, was largely incurable in ancient times. Leprosy, like any physical or mental illness, was largely incurable in ancient times.

Leprosy, like any illness, was frightening and believed to be a curse from God or a form of evil possessing the Body. Leprosy, like any illness, was frightening and believed to be a curse from God or a form of evil possessing the Body. Therefore, unclean people were shunned and feared. Therefore, unclean people were shunned and feared.

Leprosy Often referred to as “the living death.”

Mark: Jesus’ ministry Map Using your Mark as a story, locate the places in which Jesus performed a miracle (healing, etc.) Label each place using a different color On the left side of the map, write the name of the places Number and connect the places Use the maps on the back of the bible or the ones included on the textbook as a guide You need to include at least 6-8 places When you’re done, you may color in the background of your map