Norman Endpoint Protection Advanced security made easy
The challenge
Fake AV Ransomware Bank Trojans Rootkits Spyware +++
“ The results indicate that Windows Defender and other security features in Windows 8 do offer a baseline protection. However, this is not enough to reliably protect against the magnitude of attacks seen to Windows systems these days" AV test, Desember 2012 Free security software is not sufficient
“On average, about 24 percent of computers scanned by the MSRT each month in 2H12 were not running real-time antimalware software or were running out- of-date antimalware software at the time they were scanned” Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, Volume 14, July through December, 2012 Many computers still run unprotected
"The external cyber crime threat is increasing at a faster rate and the criminals are getting better at it. They have become increasingly professional." Jay Heiser, research vice president at Gartner The cyber crime threat is increasing
The solution With Norman Endpoint Protection you can focus on your growing core business while having confidence in your internet security Award-winning Norman security technology constantly protects laptops, desktops and servers against the latest malware, viruses and spyware.
Why Norman Endpoint Protection
Straight forward installation Includes Norman Endpoint Manager for central distribution and management Generates pre-configured installers for easy deployment to client systems Norman Endpoint Manager
Automatic distribution of updates New versions of our software are made available for our active license holders at no extra costs Automatic deployment of upgrades Comes with free employee license for private use at home. Home PC
Local support is there to help you Excellent support provided by your local Norman team Software Available in 17 different languages
Key features and benefits: Protection Norman Endpoint Protection comes with industry-leading technologies – Norman SandBox® – DNA Matching technologies – Exploit detection Advanced, award-winning, proactive security technologies Protect against new and unknown malware and other persistent threats, keeping your endpoints safe
Key features and benefits: Intrusion guard Real time protection prevents unauthorized programs from taking control of the PC’s Protects against spyware, injection attempts, rootkits, deceptive applications and cyber attacks The real-time protection constitutes as a Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS).
Key features and benefits: Intuitive GUI Operating the Norman Endpoint Manager is made easy through logical, drag-and-drop actions for group handling and security policy management Mid-level management consoles can be promoted at remote locations like branch offices
Key features and benefits: Intuitive GUI Security information at a glance
Key features and benefits: Intuitive GUI Finding information and performing routine tasks is just a few mouse clicks away
Key features and benefits: Reports Event reporting including filters Visualizing important messages …and less important messages
Key features and benefits: A scalable solution * Norman Endpoint Manager Mid Level NEM Mid Level NEM Mid Level NEM Security updates Program updates Status reports Alarms
Key features and benefits: Scalable solution One-click operation Any Windows client can be promoted to become a Mid Level Manager Creating Mid Level Managers
Key features and benefits: Silent clients Clients may optionally be configured as silent NPRO will clean the workstation without involving the user Full report delivered to the administrator
Benefits Advanced, Endpoint Security Management Made Easy √ Easy to install, deploy and operate√ Multilevel Architecture (cost effective)√ Intuitive GUI, yet advanced functionality√ Silent clients√ Windows 8 /Windows 2012 Ready√ Multi OS support (Windows & Linux 32/64)√ Scalable solution, no need to change solution at businesss growth √
Norman Endpoint Protection: Managed AV made easy Easy to install – easy to maintain – Vital information at a glance – Shows all network devices Keeps your network clients clean from malware Scalable solution – fits small and large customers
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