Exploring Public Value Network Governance: A Case Study on the Vietnam-Oregon Initiative Andrea Fogue Executive Master in Public Administration Portland State University Hatfield School of Government June 14, 2014
Summary of Presentation Background & Setting Research Question Highlights of Literature Review Methodology Findings & Analysis Conclusions & Recommendations Leadership Lessons Learned
Background & Setting Challenge & Opportunity Existing Collaboration Vietnam-Oregon Initiative: “VOI” = “go together”
Research Question “Can the Public Value Network approach be used to rapidly design and launch the Vietnam-Oregon Initiative?
Highlights of Literature Review Rapidly expanding literature on collaborative governance and networks Networks proliferating public institutions with mixed results “State” to “Country” public value network is possibly unique Public Value Network as defined by Edward DeSeve is comprised of nine critical elements
Methodology DeSeve Nine Critical Elements of a PVN 1. Networked Structure 2. Commitment to Common Purpose 3. Trust among Participants 4. Governance 5. Access to Authority 6. Leadership 7. Distributive Accountability/Responsibility 8. Information Sharing 9. Access to Resources
Methodology (Cont.) Explorative case study Test literature Focus on Public Value Network: “state” to “country” multi-sector Data collection: Questionnaire & Interviews Vietnam-Oregon Initiative (VOI) Launch
Findings & Analysis: Application of PVN Approach December 2013 Critical Element Networked Structure Common Purpose Trust Governance Access to Authority Leadership Accountability/Responsibility Information Sharing Access to Resources May 2014 Critical Element Networked Structure Common Purpose Trust Governance Access to Authority Leadership Accountability/Responsibility Information Sharing Access to Resources
Conclusions PVN approach provides promise to rapidly design and launch a network PVN approach limitations: - Insufficient to convene stakeholders - Does not adequately emphasize significance of trust - Model does not have a “state” to “country” dimension
Recommendations Conduct additional research to: - Assess the addition of a cross-cultural PVN typology - Further explore the meaning of “public value” between democratic regimes with different core values Continue work to develop and sustain VOI
Leadership Lessons “I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” ~ Author unknown