Why do we need to identify livestock? The identification of animals is important for ownership purposes, breeding pedigrees, livestock production systems, disease prevention and eradication, and food safety. Additional reasons for animal identification systems include foreign animal disease control and prevention, identification of animals involved in interstate or international commerce, and risk assessment in support of international trade.
Identification Methods Used For Selected Livestock Animal SpeciesType of MarkerWhere Marker is Applied Rabbits TattooInner surface of the ear Sheep and Goats Ear TagsClose to head in ears Cattle Tattoo Branding Ear Tags Inner surface of ears Dorsal part of shoulder/hip Close to head in ears Horses Tattoo Branding Inner lip, on neck under mane Dorsal part of shoulders/hip Hogs NotchesEars
Tattoo Tattoos are a permanent and easy way to mark animals. Many purebred registry associations require tattooing. The only disadvantage is having to catch and restrain the animal to identify it. Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and rabbits are tattooed in the ears. The horse is tattooed on the upper lip.
Ear Tags Ear tagging is not a permanent means of identification. Tags are commonly made of flexible plastic, which allows the tag to bend easily. Ear tag data should be seen from the front of the animals and easily read when observing animals in a pen or chute. Tags are available in various shapes and sizes, with preprinted numbers or blank to allow the operator to record data with a permanent marker.
Branding Cattle and horses are more commonly branded than are other domesticated animal species. Producers may use letters or numbers system, which may sometimes include symbols or pictures. Depending on state regulations, brands are filed at the county clerk’s office or with the state livestock board. Along with the brand design, the location of the brand on the animal must be registered. A brand that is properly applied and registered is legal proof of ownership.
Ear Notching Ear notching is commonly used to identify pigs, but some sheep producers may also use the system. Ear notching is a practical and permanent means of identification. The ear notching system for the individual pigs is universal. Producers not ears within 1-3 days of birth, along with clipping needle teeth and castration.
Ear Notching (cont.) The notches in the right ear designate the litter number; those in the left ear represent the pig number.
Your Task…. Ear Notching – Lab Activity