- 1 - RSPG 22nd Plenary Meeting Roberto Viola, Chairman 2010 RSPG Briefing Session Brussels, 9 June 2010
- 2 - RSPG 2010 Work Programme Multiannual Radio Spectrum Policy Programme Harmonised EU Participation in International Negotiations (including WRC-12) Digital Dividend Competition aspects in spectrum assignment and usage (joint work with BEREC) Technology impact on spectrum management Cognitive Technologies Radio Broadcasting
June RSPG Plenary outcome RSPG adopted its first Opinion on the multiannual Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP), after public consultation, and New Rules of Procedure, to improve the functioning of the group and ensure more transparency The first Report on the Digital Dividend roadmap, on ways for improving spectrum efficiency in the 800 MHz band The new Report on the impact on market definitions of spectrum issues, the last in the series of the joint work with Berec RSPG discussed the way forward in a number of areas in its work programme such as competition impact of spectrum management, digital dividend, cognitive technologies, WRC-12 issues of relevance, and radio broadcasting development
- 4 - Covers the period from 2010 to 2015, yet with a longer term perspective Based on three main pillars Contribution to the EU´s 2020 vision (and Digital Agenda) Efficient spectrum use for growth and competitiveness Spectrum governance in EU Spectrum is a national resource which should be coordinated and managed in a common European way by Member States External relationship “One common European voice” regarding spectrum issues providing clear guidance Objectives Identification of high priority monitorable steps Radio Spectrum Policy Programme The Opinion