Water Pollution Project By: Liam Rodriguez, Marcus Hunter, Kyle Garrabrant, and Stephen Varmon
Topic Questions How can people today preserve water? How can we decrease the effects of water pollution?
Contacts Expert Contacts Maria Coler Jerome B. Carr Dan Mueller College Contacts University of Maryland University of Minnesota University of Michigan High School Contacts Nyack High School; Mr. Perry Jordan-Elbridge High School; Mr. Schermerhorn Monrovia High School; Science Department Community Contacts Nyack Water Treatment Plant Nyack Water Department United Water (West Nyack)
Where will you find us? Wikispaces.com; Winners322 SurveyMonkey.com; KyleGarrabrant
BP Oil Spill Started on April 20th, 2010 Took place in the Gulf of Mexico It didn’t only effect the quality of the water, it also effected many companies on the gulf and the plants and animals that called that gulf their home
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill The oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska on March 24, 1989 There was 260,000 to 750,000 of crude oil that spilled in this occurrence The ship originally carried up to 55 million U.S. gallons That spill in 1989 was the biggest incident to ever happen in U.S. waters
Chernobyl effects on water Of all the environmental disaster events that humans are capable of causing, nuclear disasters have the greatest damage potential Chernobyl is one of those environmental disasters caused by nuclear disaster Water is one thing in the environment that was hugely effected When people drank the contaminated water there future kids would be mutated from it. Do you know that the average drinking school water to Chernobyl water is 177 chemicals to 50 tons of chemicals.
Recent Japanese Earthquake effects on water pollution March 2011 there was an earthquake that occurred in Japan causing a huge Tsunami The Tsunami caused a explosion in a reactor After the explosion occurred 150 miles of contamination
University of Minnesota Water Wiser Program It is a plan to clean, abundant water for today for generations to come The University of Minnesota’s water resources center provides leadership in freshwater management through cutting edge research, educational opportunities for students and professionals, and community outrage Authorized by congress
How Much Water Do We Use?