Spartanburg County School District Two
GBE Process
Review of Goal Approval Process-1 n Orientation for teachers on March 15, n Rough draft (goals and strategies) submitted to principal for review by March 26, n Teacher revisions as needed n Principal review of any revisions n Sampling of principal-approved goals and strategies will be selected by April 16, 1999 to determine consistency across the district. n District review
Review of Goal Approval Process-2 n Selected samples returned and discussed with principals by April 30, n Principal meets with teacher for revisions (if any needed) n Formal approval of goals, strategies, monitoring process, and supportive evidence by May 30, n During August 1999, the principals will meet with teachers to ensure that the process is underway.
GBE Review--Writing Goals
Goals Must Be in the Areas of: n Instruction n Student achievement n Professional growth
All Goals Should Be... q Specific: q Must clearly state what is to be accomplished. q Measurable: q Must be able to support with evidence.
All Goals Should Be... q Challenging and Ambitious: q Must take energy and discipline. q Must be above and beyond what the teacher is presently doing. q Must relate to current teaching assignment. q Realistic: q Must be obtainable.
Bottom Line... All Goals Must Benefit Students!
What is the difference between goals and strategies? n A goal is what the teacher plans to accomplish. n Strategies are the specific steps and/or activities required to achieve the goal. n Evaluation is based on the attainment of goals, not the completion of strategies.
What is a Goal? n Broad General Statement n Something that is measurable Written with an Action Verb
Sample Student Achievement Goal #2 To improve student achievement, I will improve my student’s verbal scores on the SAT by 100 points over the PSAT in my 11th grade Honors English classes.
Sample Student Achievement Goal #3 To improve student achievement, 95% of my 4th grade students will achieve 95% mastery on 4 minute timed-tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Sample Student Achievement Goal #4 To improve student achievement, 95% of my algebra I students will achieve 80% on district end-of-course test.
Sample Student Achievement Goal #5 To improve student achievement, 80% of my students will score “basic” or above on PACT in reading, writing, and math.
Sample Student Achievement Goal #6 To improve student achievement, 80% of the students will achieve 80% on the visual memory subtest of the CSAB.
Sample Student Achievement Goal #7 To improve student achievement, I will improve the percentage of students successfully completing the Presidential Fitness Test by five percent.
Sample Instructional Goal #1 To improve instruction, I will effectively manage my classroom. This type of goal may be assigned by the principal.
Sample Instructional Goal #2 To improve instruction, I will develop and implement thematic units for language arts and math based on PACT standards.
Sample Instructional Goal #3 (Group) To improve instruction, along with the other 3rd grade teachers, I will develop an integrated social studies and S. C. history curriculum.
Sample Instructional Goal #4 To improve instruction, I will develop and use instructional materials to support the elementary Spanish program.
Sample Instructional Goal #5 To improve instruction, I will vary my instructional delivery to students.
Sample Instructional Goal #6 To improve instruction, I will increase instructional time-on-task for my students.
Sample Instructional Goal #7 n To improve instruction, I will revise the scope and sequence of my 10th grade algebra course to eliminate non-essential skills and to align curriculum with state and local standards.
Professional Development Goal--TEAM or Mentor n Selection and service as a mentor or TEAM evaluator will meet this requirement. n This is the only goal that can be banked.
Developed Professional Development Goal#3 To grow professionally, I will utilize computer technology in presentation, testing, and grading programs.
Strategies n Learn how to use Power Point. n Use Power Point to improve and update my AV presentations. n Learn how to use TestMaster program. n Convert all of my testing to TestMaster format.
Strategies (cont.) n Learn how to use grades management program. n Move all of my grades to management program.
Quick Review... n Goals should be worthwhile and must have substance. n Goals should be for some action beyond a teacher’s normal job. n Goals should emphasize growth by either the teacher, students, or the school. n Bottom line--All goals must benefit students.