Brain Spinal cord Nerves DEMOSS CHIROPRACTIC Birch Street, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660
The Nervous system Is made of three main parts Brain Spinal Cord Nerves
1. The Brain Control Center for the body Weights about 3 pounds Is the size a grapefruit Has 3 main parts Cerebellum Cerebrum Brain stem
Brain: the cerebellum Cerebellum is located at the back side of head, near the back of the neck area. Controls voluntary movement Coordinates muscle action for Running Walking Painting Balance
Brain: the cerebrum (The largest part of the brain, at the top) Controls our ability To think To remember To feel To dream Talk Sense
Brain: the brain stem Brain stem (bottom) Controls involuntary movement Basic life support like Heart beating Lungs breathing Eyes blink
The Spinal Cord Our spinal cord goes from the brain down the back through the vertebral column. The spinal cord forms the main path for messages entering amd leaving our brain.
Spinal Cord (cont) The spinal cord is encased in vertebra for protection.
The Nerves The main part of the nervous system. Nerves carry messages throughout your body: to, from, and within the brain. Nerves are long and thin like threads. They are bundles of wrapped nerve cell fibers, or neurons.
Neurons make up the nerves.
Nerves (cont.): neurons There are several types of neurons, depending on function. Nerves Sensory nerves come from the senses Motor nerves send messages to muscles and other parts of the body from the brain in response to a sensory nerve message.
Nervous system: set of nerves, ganglions and nervous centers that receive sensory signal. Commands and coordinates vital functions. Brachial plexus: network of nerves of the arm. Intercostal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses between the ribs. Radial nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the radius. Median nerve: main cord conducting nerve impulses in the upper limb. Ulnar nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the elbow. Lumbar plexus: network of nerves of the lower back. Sciatic nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the thigh and lower leg. Common peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses along the inside of the lower leg. Superficial peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of the muscles and skin of the leg. Digital nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of the fingers. Sacral plexus: network of nerves of the sacrum. Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, found in the holes of the vertebrae. Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain. Cerebrum: seat of the mental capacities.
Diseases of the Nervous System “Parkinson's disease is a slowly progressive disorder that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. Part of the disease process develops as cells are destroyed in certain parts of the brain stem, particularly the crescent-shaped cell mass known as the substantia nigra. “ HowStuffWorks, Inc. Alzheimer disease (AD) is where the cerebral cortex and some other forebrain regions shrink. It affects more women than men. Broca aphasia is defined by Websters Dictionary as a "loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage."