Scotland: Isle of Lewis Isle of Bute Isle of Mull Westman Islands (Iceland)
Scotland: Lewis, 3000km2, pop 26,000, Mull 1000km2, pop 3000; Bute 12km2, 6,000. Temperatures like a fridge (winter), strong winds (6-9 ms-1), rain. Westman Islands (Iceland) 16km2, pop 4000, 5degC, 11ms-1 All islands have fossil-fuel driven ferries!
Stornoway, Na hEileanan an Iar (Outer Hebrides), Scotland Lews Castle College (LCC), University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) New University established 2011 Involved in following energy projects: Statistics Area: 3,000km 2 Population: 26,000 Lowest annual income in UK 60% “fuel poverty” One of best renewable energy potentials in UK
Scotland: Town gas (Stornoway & Bute, 30-75% of homes, imported), oil, a little peat (Lewis, Mull), electric heating (21 cents top-rate, cents night). Low annual income ( 10% of income spent on heating, 60% of homes) - > Incentive to save money!
Westman Islands: Very low subsidised rates – 80% have electric district heating (3 cents KWh, 1-2% of annual income), 20% direct (6 cents KWh, renewable), no geothermal-local energy supply. Grid connected cable, lots of wind potential, highest in Iceland. Lots of car use, despite everything within walking distance.
Scotland - Summary: 1.Significant barriers to energy sustainability and self- determination - No own energy supply (security) - No grid ownership 2. Current housing stock insufficient to new and innovative techniques - Convective heat losses are huge!
Next Steps – Finance – Funding Scotland: Climate Challenge Fund? Green Deal? Energy companies? Highlands and Islands Development Authority (HIE)? Comhairle, councils National Lottery? PROMISE-2? – EU? Can we sell our carbon CO2 emission reductions? (Energy companies can, trade these) Actions: share and investigate use of tools e.g. Sigi´s car software tool…