What is contemporary learning? It involves an inquiry based approach to learning Involves students forming their own questions about a topic and exploring the answers A collaborative process where teachers and students work together negotiating aspects of curriculum Based on the belief that students are powerful learners who must be actively engaged in the process of investigating, processing, organising, synthesising, refining and extending their knowledge
What is contemporary learning? It involves Authentic learning which key characteristics are Learning is centred on authentic tasks that are of interest to the learners. Students are engaged in exploration and inquiry. Learning is closely connected to the world beyond the walls of the classroom. Students become engaged in complex tasks and higher-order thinking skills, such as analysing, synthesising, designing, manipulating and evaluating information. Learning is student driven with teachers, parents, and outside experts all assisting/coaching in the learning process. Learners employ scaffolding techniques
What is contemporary learning? Common themes for personalising learning 1.Gathering, synthesizing, and analysing information 2.Working autonomously to a high standard with minimal supervision 3.Leading other autonomous workers through influence 4.Being creative and turning that creativity into action 5.Thinking critically and asking the right questions 6.Striving to understand others’ perspectives and to understand the entirety of an issue 7.Communicating effectively, often using technology 8.Working ethically, firmly based in both your own society and the planet as a whole (Valerie Hannon, ACEL Conference, Sydney, 2010)
What is contemporary learning? Involves using ICT as a tool that enables students to efficiently and effectively access digital information to assist with investigating issues, solving problems and decision making p roduce creative solutions to support learning and develop new understandings in areas of learning communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global environments understand the legal, ethical and health and safety implications of using ICT and their responsibilities as users and developers develop new thinking and learning skills to support learning. f
School libraries matter – the research International Studies 60 US and Canadian studies show clear evidence of the connection between student achievement and the presence of school libraries with qualified school library specialists.
School libraries matter – the research The program SCHOOL LIBRARY PROGRAMS INFLUENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT WHEN: Library specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to teach and integrate literature and information skills into the curriculum. Library specialists partner with classroom teachers on projects that help students use a variety of resources, conduct research, and present their findings. Library specialists are supported fiscally and programmatically by the educational community to achieve the mission of the school.
School libraries matter – the research The professional LIBRARY SPECIALISTS ENRICH THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS WHEN: They teach skills and strategies students need to learn and achieve. They are partners in educating students, developing curricula, and integrating resources into teaching and learning. They teach the skills students need to become effective users of ideas and information. They seek, select, evaluate, and utilise electronic resources and tools and instruct teachers and students in how to use them.
School libraries matter – the research The place SCHOOL LIBRARIES ARE TRUE PLACES OF OPPORTUNITY WHEN: All students can strive for and achieve success. Quality collections are provided, in print and online, that support the curriculum and address a variety of learning needs. Students can develop a love of reading and literature. Library specialists help students explore the world around them through print and electronic media. Students can work individually or in small groups on research and collaborative projects. —American Library Association. (2003). Toolkit for School Library Media Programs. Chicago: American Library Association.
School libraries matter – the research In Australia The Student learning through Australian School Libraries project, (Hay, 2004 – 2005) -replication of the US study Student learning through Ohio school libraries, (Todd and Kuhlthau, 2003) using 46 public schools from Queensland and Victoria - Findings clearly demonstrated that the school library plays a critical role in supporting student learning Australian School Libraries Research Project 2008 (initiated by ASLA & ALIA & ECU) A snapshot of Australian school libraries: Report 1 Australian Teacher Librarians : Report 1– personnel (analysis of roles to come) Stage 2 – National Advocacy Strategy Stage 3 - Another national data collection School Libraries 21 C ( Hay and Todd, 2009) - moderated discussion blog to gather viewpoints on the future of school libraries in NSW in order to set an agenda for the future - 16 recommendations Inquiry into School Libraries and Teacher Librarians in Australian schools public hearings Report to be tabled to the House of Representatives May 23 rd. The report will be available from
How does the school library and school librarian support contemporary learning? The role of the school library is to: Facilitate the planning and implementation of learning programs that will equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in a constantly changing social and economic environment. Through resource-based programs, students acquire skills to collect, critically analyse and organise information, problem-solve and communicate their understandings. Provide and promote quality fiction to develop and sustain in students the habit and enjoyment of reading for pleasure and to enrich students' intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth. Cater for differences in learning and teaching styles through the provision of and equality of access to, a wide range of materials, fiction and non-fiction, print, audio, video and digital. Provide teachers with access to relevant curriculum information and professional development materials within and outside the school; and opportunities to cooperatively plan implement and evaluate learning programs which integrate information resources and technologies.
How does the school library and school librarian support contemporary learning? School libraries need a vision! “To re-imagine a 21 st century school library that proactively builds its capacity to support student learning of the future.”(Hay, Foley, 2009 SCAN) Four critical challenges for school librarians Reimagine the school library in the 21 st century Build teams and partnerships Engage in Web 2.0 tools to develop deep inquiry Evidence based practice
The future Into the Future – a manifesto by Joyce Valenza ● You unpack the good stuff you carried from your 20th century trunk. Rigor, and inquiry, and high expectations, and information and media fluency matter no matter what the medium. So do excitement, engagement, and enthusiasm. ● You lead. And you look ahead for what is coming down the road. You continually scan the landscape. As the information and communication landscapes continue to shift, do you know where you are going? You plan for change. Not for yourself, not just for the library, but for the building, for your learners. ● You see the big picture and let others see you seeing it. It’s about learning and teaching. It’s about engagement. If you are seen only as the one who closes up for stocktake, as the book chaser, and NOT as the CIO, the inventor, the creative force, you won’t be seen as a big picture person. ● You continue to retool and learn. ● You represent our brand (who the teacher-librarian is) as a 21st century information professional. ● You enjoy what you do and let others know it. It’s always better when you do what you love. ● You continue to consider and revise your vision and feed it with imagination. Think outside the box. Heck, there is no box! Visit Joyce’s blog
Something to ponder… “I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous group... They are subversive. You think they're just sitting at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them." Michael Moore
Something to ponder… Librarians do Gaga