Missing Angles Our learning objectives today To calculate missing angles on a straight line, around a point and in a triangle. To use a protractor to draw and measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree.
What do you need to know? Angles in a triangle add up to ° Angles on a straight line add up to ° Angles around a point add up to °
Calculate the missing reflex angle 47 ° 313°
Calculate the missing straight line angle 69 ° 111 °
Calculate the missing reflex angle 126 ° 234 °
Calculate the missing triangle angle 54° 89 ° 37°
Calculate the missing straight line angle 42° 103 ° 35°
Missing Angles Our learning objectives today To calculate missing angles on a straight line, around a point and in a triangle. To use a protractor to draw and measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree.