Araba Dawson-Andoh 122 A Alden Library
The Library’s Web site Reference Collection Electronic Databases Specialized Databases Internet Resources
Online catalogs – Alice, Ohiolink, WorldcatAliceOhiolinkWorldcat Electronic Journal – African Studies Electronic Journal – African Studies InfoTree InfoTree African Studies Resources Guide African Studies Resources Guide Search strategy Search strategy Citing Sources Citing Sources
Bibliographies Indexes Directories Encyclopedias Dictionaries Handbooks
Academic Search Complete Lexis Nexis Social Science Citation Index African Journals Online (AJOL) Africa Wide Economic Intelligence Unit ELDIS JSTOR African Studies Journals Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS) Africa
Contains two databases African women’s bibliographic database African Periodical literature database.
Mainly tables of contents and abstracts of scholarly journals published in Africa Coverage includes agricultural sciences, resource management, language and literature, health, science and technology and social sciences
Databases include: African Studies Abstracts – entire collection of the African studies center at Leiden. Coverage - social, economic and development issues, religion, law, education, modern history and more. African Institute Database - coverage includes, political, socio-economic, international and development issues facing contemporary Africa.
Country reports – In depth analysis of political trends in African countries. Country profile - Background and historical context of current economic and political events in African countries. Country finance and commerce - Financial regulations and conditions and Operating conditions and business regulations of certain African countries.
Gateway to information on development issues. Offers a directory of websites, databases, library catalogues, discussion lists and blogs. Provides summaries and links to online documents on topics such as HIV/AIDS, children and development, food security, education…
Digital archive of the back issues of scholarly journals starting with their first issues. Time period is normally 3-5 years between last issue in JSTOR and recent issue. Includes many leading journals as well as a few cultural and literary magazines.
Coverage includes feminist theory, women’s movements in Africa, women’s health, biographies, land issues, history, social transformation and politics. Bibliographies are mostly citations with links to a few full-text articles.
Scientific publications in the area of the social aspects of HIV and AIDS, hosted by Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa Provides links to other African research organizations.
Africa South of the Sahara ( Stanford University) Africa South of the Sahara A gateway for internet resources on Africa, browse by country or topics and a search feature. Topics covered includes organizations, book dealers, business, sports, travel, weather, African Studies programs and statistics. Columbia University Libraries African Studies Columbia University Libraries African Studies A gateway for searching for Internet resources on Africa covering various topics both scholarly and general. Links to journals and newspapers. International Directory of African studies scholars in various disciplines. African language resources.
Center for Research Libraries (CRL). Herskovits Library of African Studies at Northwestern University. British Library African Collection. Library of Congress- Africa section. University of Pennsylvania.
Excellent tool for sharing information on databases, new books and other resources. Links to interesting news and magazine articles on Africa, conference call for papers and more. Links to book reviews, abstracts and full text reports.