ISRAEL By: Erin Popalis
Map and Location
Size Area: 20,330 sq. km. (7,850 sq. mi.) About the size of New Jersey Highest and Lowest Elevation Highest- Har Meron 1,208 m Lowest- Dead Sea 408 m
Population Population of million Ethnic groups: Jews 76.2%; Arabs 19.5%; other 4.3%
Date it became a State. Became a nation on May 14,
Nickname, Motto & Flag The Motto- “To learn and to teach, to observe and to do.” The Nickname- “The Holy Land.” The Flag- White - peace and honesty Blue - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice Star of David
Capital Jerusalem Oldest City in the World
Anthem Hatikvah (“The Hope”) As long as deep in the heart, The soul of a Jew yearns, And forward to the East To Zion, an eye looks Our hope will not be lost, The hope of two thousand years, To be a free nation in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem.
Coat of arms It was adopted in Sometimes it is gold and blue.
Famous People Natalie Portman- Was born is Jerusalem Her father is from Israel Her mother is from Ohio
Computer & Phone usage Since the mid 1980s Israel is apart of world wide web. In % is nonusers and 40% are internet users.
Gross National Product
Import & Export goods Some Exports items olive oils, wine, and grains Some Import items tin, lead, silver, copper, iron and gold
Foods or crops produced In Israel 215,000 hectares of land are devoted to field crops. 156,000 are for winter crops including wheat, hay and safflower. 60,000 are for summer crops including cotton, sunflowers, beans, corn and watermelon.
School The school system has kindergartens 6 year primary schools 3 year junior secondary schools 3 year senior secondary schools
Clothing Women in Israel get used to wearing pants. Very few wear shorts. Men dress very casually
Sports Israel is very competitive when it comes to sports. They have won many metals in the Olympics Israeli grandmaster is the holder of the 2009 Chess World Cup. Some major achievements come from tennis and pole vaulting.
Sports cont. Some other sports they do are Association football, basketball, track and field, swimming, handball, chess, softball, boxing, wrestling, cricket, rugby, American football, netball, baseball, ice hockey, figure skating, and martial arts.
Language Hebrew, Arabic, English, and Russian. English and Russian are the most popular unofficial languages in Israel.
Religion Not all of Israel is religions. 7.59 million Israelis in 2010, about 76% were counted as Jewish. The other is 23.8% 32.9% of Israelis were born outside of Israel.
Types of Government “Parliamentary democracy - a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers - according to party strength as expressed in elections; by this system, the government acquires a dual responsibility: to the people as well as to the parliament”
Health Care They have high standard health services. Modern hospitals.
Climate A subtropical region Hot and dry summers Cold and rainy winters
Global Issues Israel is getting a lot of criticism about not upholding and respect human rights. On the mainstream there was a lot of reports about the terrorist attacks on the Jewish states.
Natural resources Some of Israel’s natural resources are timber, potash, copper ore, natural gas, phosphate rock, magnesium bromide, clays, and sand.
Recycling initiatives Waste disposal reached 20% in 2004 and 50% in 2010 EACH PERSON in Israel generates 1.6 kilograms (kg) of waste per day.
Political system The Knesset instead of voting for individual candidates they vote for an entire party. Any party with 2 percent in percent is assigned a certain amount of seats in the 120 member-legislature
Transportation Israel has pretty much the same ways to move around as we do. Bus, Car, Train, Subway, Cable cars, Plane, Boat.
Cost of living
Cost of an average House A two bedroom house in Tel Aviv is about $400,000. Others can be around $180,000 in place around Tel Aviv.
Average income DisposableGross 19,17724,275constant 2005 US$ at PPP 68,16086,280 current new shekels
Taxes In 2011 Israel’s corporate income tax rate is 24% Individual income tax is about 10%-45%. Tax%Income 10%1-60,840 14%60, ,921 23%103, ,840 30%168, ,880 33%254, ,760 45%482,761 and over
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