Japan.  A series of islands off the coast of Korean Peninsula  Bordered by Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan.


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Presentation transcript:


 A series of islands off the coast of Korean Peninsula  Bordered by Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan

Early History : Samurai, or warrior clans, become powerful. Although Japan has an emperor, shoguns (military dictators) rule. 1274, 1281: Kublai Khan's Mongol invasions are repelled with help of kamikaze ("divine winds," or storms). 1853: U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry arrives with naval ships and demands the Japanese trade with the United States : Japan wins wars against China and Russia, gaining territory and international respect Japan takes over Korea.

Where is Japan located in regards to the Ring of Fire? What type of natural disasters might Japan experience?

Natural disasters 1707 eruption of Mt. Fuji 1923: The Great Kanto Earthquake, one of the worst in world history, destroys Tokyo and Yokohama. More than 140,000 people are killed.

Look at how many major earthquakes Japan has experienced in the last 50 years!

Emperor Hirohito Lead Japan into WWII Dec. 7, 1941 – bombs Pearl Harbor Surrendered at end of WWII Helped MacArthur rebuild Japan

The End of WWII Japan surrendered – August 1945 Occupied Japan –  Gen. Douglas MacArthur – oversaw occupation  Goals of Allies concerning Japan  Help create a democracy (modeled after US Constitution) Kept national legislature – Diet Allowed Emperor Hirohito to maintain his position IF he renounced that emperors were not divinely appointed and godlike  Suspended laws limiting liberties … religious, political, and civil … included giving women the right to vote  Reformed industries, education Conditions for ending occupation  Responsible government established

Had to renounce the fact that emperors had divine appointment and godlike qualities. When this picture published, many Japanese would not look at it.. seeing their beloved emperor shorter than the hated MacArthur

Rebuilding the economy after WWII US also aided in rebuilding the economy  Gave large sums of money via loans  Shared manufacturing knowledge  Provided resources for industries

Japan Today

Government Emperor  Symbolic only - no government powers  Few duties – closely regulated by Constitution and only on the advice and consent of the Cabinet Parliamentary government  Executive power  Cabinet  Prime minister  Bicameral Diet (Japan’s bicameral legislature)

Limited Resources 73% of Japan is mountainous Only 15% of Japan’s land is arable (suitable for farming) Therefore … what might this lead to? Trade!

Economy Japan’s economy is one of the strongest in the world! Free market economy is 2 nd largest in the world Major exports  Cars, electronic devices, computers Major imports  Oil, foodstuffs, wood Major trading partners  US major trading partner – imports more than 25% of Japan’s exports!

Interdependence Japan dependent on others …  Minerals essential to industry … iron ore and copper  Forest products (wood)  Agricultural products (largest foreign market for US agricultural products!) Others dependent on Japan …  Electronic devices  Computers  Cars

Which Asian country consists of a series of islands and is located east of North and South Korea? A. Japan B. Taiwan C. Indonesia D. Philippines Answer … Japan

After WWII, the US helped Japan rebuild its economy in all the following ways EXCEPT by A. sharing its manufacturing knowledge. B. providing large sums of money through loans. C. requiring Japan to export goods only to Western nations. D. providing much needed resources for their industries. Answer … requiring Japan to export goods only to Western nations

Before late 19 th century, Japan was an isolated nation. Which of the following is the main reason Japan became involved in the world community? A. The government needed foreign military intervention to stop a civil war. B. Religious leaders instructed the emperor to become Christian and westernize. C. The government became communist and established ties with the Soviet Union. D. Limited resources forced Japan's growing population to seek foreign markets. Answer … limited resources forced Japan’s growing population to seek foreign markets.

Which phrase best describes the nation of Japan? A. an island nation with large cities B. a peninsula of the Asian mainland C. a tropical nation that receives much rainfall D. a mountainous nation with many mineral resources Answer … an island nation with large cities

How did Japan become the most industrialized country in Asia? A. It became the main manufacturer for Africa. B. It heavily exploited its many natural resources. C. It imported technologies and natural resources. D. It developed a large and profitable trade with China. Answer … it imported technologies and natural resources

What is the role of the emperor in modern Japan? A. elected leader B. symbolic leader C. military leader D. economic leader Answer … symbolic leader

Since the end of WWII, in which way has seas and oceans most benefited Japan’s economy? A. by providing transportation routes B. by providing a source for electricity C. by providing a source of valuable minerals D. by providing water for desalinization Answer … by providing transportation routes

All of the following statements about the constitution Japan adopted after WWII are true except that it A. created a democratic form of government. B. abolished the position of emperor. C. renounced the use of force in foreign policy. D. was modeled on the United States Constitution. Answer … abolished the position of the emperor.

Which of the following are important Japanese exports? A. tea, coffee, and fish B. wheat, cloth, and leather goods C. petroleum, iron ore, and minerals D. microchips, automobiles, and electronics Answer … microchips, cars, electronics

Which term describes Japan’s government today? A. democratic B. dictatorship C. socialist republic D. constitutional monarchy Answer … democratic