RESHAPING CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE Community Resilience work-strand Antonia Baird Argyll Voluntary Action AVA community resilience
Reshaping Care for Older People 7 Community Resilience Officers Enabling the shift of services to the community Linking H&SC and third sector organisations. AVA community resilience
Empowerment Grey Matters Co-production Local groups delivering local services for themselves. AVA community resilience
‘We are able to have our say – and people listen to us. We make the decisions about what we need and we are heard. With Grey Matters it belongs to us’ MM and Jean, both over 80, talking to Annabel Goldie AVA community resilience
Enablement Linking with information Linking with representation Creating links between communities of geography and interest Showcase events AVA community resilience
Co-production Working together to create new opportunities Connecting the sectors and using the skills of communities An asset based approach AVA community resilience
Grey Matters AVA community resilience
Lunch Bunch…soup groups and outings Created by timebank volunteers Safe place for adults with who are frail Feed the person and the mind! Mostly self-financing. AVA community resilience
‘I really look forward to the community lunches – our lunch bunch are growing every time so now over 30 of us are meeting up’ Mary, 84 AVA community resilience
Community Shop ‘Helping out at the Community Shop means I feel useful again and involved with my Community – I have a purpose – I am DOING something’ Dennis, 86 AVA community resilience
Visiting Friends A new volunteer befriending scheme for older people launched in Helensburgh Emphasis on companionship/ targeting isolated seniors Volunteers matched with client Volunteer Training for Visiting Friends AVA community resilience
Safe at Home A new telephone assurance service operating in Helensburgh for older people, recently discharged from hospital Volunteers make a call to see if the person may need a prescription collection or any shopping Aimed to make the transition from hospital to home easier. AVA community resilience
Partnership working Sharing resources and expertise Integrating services for the benefit of older people Combatting social isolation Supporting re-ablement and rehabilitation AVA community resilience
Falls Prevention Taking falls prevention messages out into the community AVA community resilience
Impact First year: Over 600 people involved in volunteering projects 200 new timebankers 200+ older people supported with friendship opportunities, practical help from getting lifts to hanging curtains and support to air their views. Second year: Continue development of opportunities for Exercise Stimulation Friendship Policy input co-production of local services – new Shed and Safe at Home project AVA community resilience
‘ Timebank and Grey Matters means I have a reason to get up in the morning’ Sarah, 87 AVA community resilience
‘Volunteering with the young people keeps me young, its lovely they spend time with us and I feel I still have something to offer,’ Grace, 81 AVA community resilience
Thank you for your time!